Recent content by superhater

  1. superhater

    Where have all the sports books gone?

    Especially judging from my own kids, people don't have the attention span for books anymore. Videos — the shorter the better — are king. That said, I'm starting in on my second book just because I'm a stubborn asshole. Get off my lawn.
  2. superhater

    HS football (Louisville) - Sept. 29

    Looking for a Louisville-area freelancer to pick up a marquee high school game for us on Sept. 29. Roncalli — a Catholic school located on the south side of Indy and a perennial state championship contender — is heading south to play at Male. Should be a quality game. If you're planning to be...
  3. superhater

    HS football (Massillon, OH) — Aug. 19

    Looking for a stringer (preferably experienced) in the Canton/Akron/Cleveland area to cover a high school football game on Saturday, Aug. 19. Our primary area team, Center Grove, has won the last three Class 6A state championships here in Indiana and is traveling east to play a neutral game in...
  4. superhater

    HS football semistate - Evansville, Indiana (Nov. 18)

    Any capable bodies within a reasonable distance (preferably < 1 hour) from Evansville? Looking for someone to help us out with semistate football coverage next Friday. If you're in range and don't suck at writing on a tight deadline, holler at me.
  5. superhater

    Indianapolis area football/basketball stringers

    Bumping this due to a forthcoming availability crunch with some of our grizzled veterans. Would like to get some quality new blood into the rotation if possible.
  6. superhater

    For $40.....

    You can definitely get to a game 15 minutes ahead of time and be just fine; I do it almost every week for local home games. Our paper has a seat reserved in every press box in our coverage area, and I don't ask our guys to do video, pics or agate — just a gamer. If any of them are ever on site...
  7. superhater

    For $40.....

    Agree that $40 is low, and I also don't ask my guys to do anything other than send me 12-15 inches and text me occasional scoring updates I'm the exception rather than the rule as an SE. Papers asking for more than that should definitely pay more. BUT... ...the people on here that...
  8. superhater

    Indianapolis area football/basketball stringers

    Looking to add depth to what is already a top-shelf freelance roster for the 2022-23 school year, particularly for prep football and basketball coverage. We are an award-winning daily in the south suburbs of Indianapolis, loaded with perennial state championship contenders and Division I...
  9. superhater

    Three more golf communications jobs

    Co-sign. Would be all over that one if my current situation was different.
  10. superhater

    What Magazine do you miss the most?

    I started subscribing to The Sporting News when I was about 9 or 10 (back around 1984ish). Devoured every inch. Probably one of the main reasons I landed in this business, along with the Gammons/McDonough/Ryan Boston Globe Sunday sports sections of that same era.
  11. superhater

    NCAA D-III men's basketball in Bloomington, Ill.

    Looking for coverage of Franklin (Ind.) College men's basketball in the NCAA Division III tournament. The Grizzlies play top seed and host Illinois Wesleyan in the opening round this Friday evening.
  12. superhater

    HS football in Louisville, Sept. 2

    Looking for a stringer to cover Center Grove football — the Indiana Class 6A state champion and a top-10 team in the country the last two seasons — at Louisville Trinity on Sept. 2. Pay will be based on distance traveled; we would prefer someone in or around Louisville. Any interested...
  13. superhater

    Muh Muh Muh My Corona (virus)

    Boosted in October, tested positive last week despite wearing an N95 to basketball games (where almost nobody else was masked). My family and I were careful as shirt for 22 months and I still took it in the ass. The selfishness of people in this country — I'm totally cool with other people...
  14. superhater


    Wondering if this has anything to do with the local tendency to pronounce "New Britain" as if there's a space or long dash where the T is supposed to be