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  • Users: jaredk
  • Content: Threads
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  1. J

    Do mature women appeal?

    For something I might write, I need an unscientific sampling from the men of Could you be attracted to a woman 25 years older than you? Let's say she's healthy, fit, maturely attractive, and funny.... At 45, that'd get you into Ann-Margret/Jane Fonda territory, but I...
  2. J

    Print Readers/Website Readers -- What's the ratio?

    I know a major metro's numbers on this. I'm surprised and I'm inviting guesses as to what the ratio is. What percentage of print readers NEVER read the newspaper's website? What percentage of website readers NEVER read the print edition? I'm talking about a big-time print/website combo in an...
  3. J

    It's called thinning the herd

    How many of you work in a shop with mediocrities, iincompetents, and/or deadwood old farts who just don't care? I have read on this board many times that you would like those people to get out of the way so good people can do good work. Yet now that newspapers are getting rid of people, all I...
  4. J

    LeBatard column on the media

    In the last 15 years, according to a piece this week by Dan's colleague, Linda Robertson, 8 U of Miami football players have died violently: 3 shot, 1 beaten to death, 4 in car wrecks. But Dan thinks the media shouldn't wonder why these things keep happening...
  5. J

    "Unethical" to record a phone interview?

    On a thread about cell phone recording devices, two posters said it was unethical to tape-record a telephone interview. I don't understand why. It's an interview, and the subject knows his/her words are being recorded, whether by pen, by stenography, by tape recorder. In those 12 states where...
  6. J

    A Chimpanzee for Sporting News

    I'm told Sporting News may put a chimpanzee on the cover of its NFL draft preview issue. The chimp would be plucking names of players out of a hat, kinda Bonzo the GM, I guess. I'm pretty sure that's the worst cover idea I've ever heard, or at least the worst since they put a zebra in sun...