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    UPDATED: details of new ownershipmodel at Chicago Sun-Times Media

    Haven't seen much on this in the last couple of weeks: (EDIT: thread title) Company sold to an internet holding group: Anyone with experience with Mr. Knight, or this...
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    What am I missing in Wojnarowski vs. David Kahn?

    Forgive if this is being discussed elsewhere and point me to the running thread if there is one already - but this caught my eye as Adrian Wojnarowski begins and ends this column with calling David Kahn a "bad" and "lousy" sports writer when he was at The Oregonian...
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    Sun-Times Media owner Jim Tyree passes away

    Sun-Times story: Trib story: This man (and the investors he put together) saved the STimes and all its...
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    What to do going forward: CBS reporter sexually assaulted in Egypt

    this sickened me. I remember seeing a report by christiane amanpour where the crowd turned ugly and you could see the fear in her eyes as she cut the interview off and turned to...
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    DIII team drops 201 on opponent - yes, 201 Everything Lincoln threw up seemed to fall, as the Lions, ranked No. 11 nationally, set a Division III record for points in a 201-78 victory at Salem International, in Salem, W.Va. The scoreboard at the end of the game actually read: Lincoln...
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    Sal Pal says Philly wants a white QB Now, what would happen if Feeley performed a bit of magic and revived the 5-5 Eagles? Popular and with pop-star looks, Feeley would emerge next spring as a direct threat to McNabb, who has been knocked out early in...
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    Finally: Trib to dump Cubs

    I think it'll happen - it's like giving the manager/coach/Rumy the vote of confidence before the firing a week or month later. i'm not a Cubs fan...but i'm not sure if this would be good for the Cubs as a baseball team. the Tribsters always spent money. it was never spent wisely, but it was...
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    Azinger to be US Ryder Cup captain...

    sorry if this has been discussed - i only went back 2 pages - but for those that care about the Ryder Cup, and perhaps for those that don't - what do you think of this appointment (and Faldo's for that matter?) There's the golf side of this, and then the PR side...Faldo and Azinger have...
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    new baseball labor agreement ?s

    this from peter gammons' blog, talking about the new baseball labor agreement. "A team like the Royals can get $30 million from revenue-sharing, $30 million from the national television contact, millions more from the Internet, etc., and then sell tickets and make local radio and TV deals. It's...
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    Yes, I'm 12 years old....

    but stuff like this always makes me laugh. i've tried at my place, but it never gets through here's the line: "See deck run? Uh, no, because there's usually a quickly penetrating defensive tackle planted in his path." here's the...
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    NSFW: Ohio State recruiting clip?

    (no nudity) if you can get to the end ;) she says "So tell me - do you want to go to Ohio State now?" On a serious note: I dont know if this is a big deal at this point, but I'll ask: at what point do universities need to try and monitor things like this being created and then sent out to...
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    Kinsley's TIME essay

    forgive if this is a retread, here is a link to Michael Kinsley's media essay in the Oct. 2 issue of TIME entitled "Do Newspapers Have a Future?" it's an interesting read on the state of the industry and it's future on the net. perhaps it old news, but interesting nonetheless EDIT: i'm an...
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    US Open query: Would it be wrong if...

    a golf reporter, male or female, print or otherwise, tried to qualify for a US Open (or a British Open for that matter)? Dont know if this has ever happened, but i do know that several golf writers and TV people (and i dont mean the former players turned analysts here) are pretty good. I know...