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  • Users: Kritter47
  • Content: Threads
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  1. K

    Clips with typos?

    I recently wrote a story I am pretty proud of, and I want to include it in my clips file. Problem is there's a typo in the story. I'd referred to a team by it's nickname, and the desk changed it to the city name but left half of the city name out. Something like this: Original - "Rednecks...
  2. K

    Anyone at small school Texas tennis today?

    I need the Class 2A semifinal scores from girls doubles, if anyone has them. The UIL's website is run by monkeys and has not been updated all day for the small schools. Anyone with access to a wire or someone there all day have those scores? Thanks! Edit: Got one thing I needed. Now just need...
  3. K

    Taking the second step

    I've started entertaining the possibility of moving on from my current shop in the somewhat distant future, 4-8 month. I just can't stand this town, which makes me so very miserable. I also want to move on to the next level in circulation size and, ideally, have a job in which I'm focused on one...
  4. K

    I just don't understand people sometimes. I know people don't agree with abortion, but I've never made the connection between thinking someone is wrong and blowing them up.
  5. K

    Favorite sporting event?

    I'm sure this thread has been done a zillion times here, but it hasn't been done since I've been here, dammit, and I'm curious. I was looking through You Tube clips tonight, and it only served to remind me how much of a sucker I am about the Olympics. They're over-commercialized, over-hyped and...
  6. K

    Basketball gamer

    It's been a while since I posted something here, so why not. I don't have a lot of experience with basketball and neither does my SE, so I figure this is a good chance to get quality feedback. Fire away. The play went off exactly as planned. Three players set screens as Asheia Haynes...
  7. K

    Fighting off a cold

    You guys were just so full of helpful advice last time, I figured I'd try again. I'm in that pre-cold stage. Raw throat, chills and generally feeling icky. I'm not sick yet, but will be in the next day or so if I don't do anything about it. I'm out of my prescription antihistamine/decongestant...
  8. K

    Tom Hicks, George Gillett Jr. to buy Liverpool

    What can $225 million buy you? Half of an English Premiership team, apparently.
  9. K

    How do you reconnect when you move to a new town?

    Took me a while to work up the nerve to post this, but here goes nothing. I've been at my job for just about six months now. It's my first job out of college, first time living more than 30 minutes away from family. I lived in my own apartment for part of college, but my dad lived a half-hour...
  10. K

    Hockey player kicked off team for refusing to sign flag

    His explanation to not sign it is very suspect, but the coach's hypocrisy is the standout thing in this story.
  11. K

    Event coverage and your health

    So this was a situation I didn't think I'd run into, but life (and my lungs) apparently hate me today. I have mild asthma which I have dealt with for as long as I remember. I very, very rarely need anything more than an inhaler treatment to keep it under control. I've had one ER trip because of...
  12. K

    Fantastic Michael Lewis piece It may have as much to do with the story and characters as the writing, but 10 web pages never went so fast for me. (And no, I'm not Michael Lewis. But I bet you all have figured that out by...
  13. K

    Chris Simms has spleen removed

    According to ESPNews' little rotating breaking news box thingie. Second time I've heard of a spleen removal from a hit in pro sports. Although Peter Forsberg does get credit for at least making it to the bar after the game when his happened.
  14. K

    Sharks' Mark Bell arrested for suspiscion of DUI He's had a history of alcohol related problems. He and teammate Nick Boynton were charged with assulting a cab driver when they played for the Ottawa 67s in 1999.
  15. K

    Do's and Don't's of the first job

    I've finally landed that elusive first job and will be starting in a few weeks, just enough time to get all my stuff into boxes and move. But now that the stress of finding a job is gone, I'm stressing about actually having (and having to keep) said job. I've had internships and written in...
  16. K

    Job interview question

    I've been asked to fly in for an interview with a paper a few thousand miles away. It's a good paper with nice people, and I'd be very happy to work there. There are only two slight catches. The first is that I'd be splitting the cost with them. The second is I'm 22 and, therefore, can't rent a...
  17. K

    Feature Story: Shelley Playing with Heavy Heart

    Shelley Playing With Heavy Heart Feb. 23, 2005, 6:53 p.m. (CST) IRVING, Texas -- There's a bigger difference than one might expect between Jason Shelley's old number and his new one this season. Nine digits, 1,700 miles and one heavy heart. Shelley, the Dallas...
  18. K

    Post-Graduation Lull

    I'd like to think I'm a good candidate for an entry-level position. I graduated May 20 with a degree in journalism, wrote sports four years for my school paper, had a two-year internship with a major pro team's website, strung high school stories for local papers and have a good resume and nice...