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  1. I

    The passing of a noble hound

    I am not one to ascribe human behavior or emotions to animals, particularly dogs. They are wired in a different manner. Their eyes see a world different than ours. Their sense of smell and hearing are more refined. They process the world in a way we can only imagine. That we would project our...
  2. I

    Keeping the faith and being old

    Much mewling and creweling appears here at Jeers concerning the perceived disdain in which our craft is held. It is so unfair. It helps to remember that everyone hates: • lawyers • politicians • intellectuals • religious leaders and anyone else who might think or be different than us. We...
  3. I

    RIP Rene Cappon

    I never understood why they teach journalism in college. Isn't it a bit like teaching furniture making. I guess I always felt that everything I needed to know about the craft is contained in Mr. Cappon's 162 pages. The Word may be the best title for a book about good writing. It is by far the...