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  • Users: sheos
  • Content: Threads
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  1. S

    Speaker of the House vs. Senate Majority Leader

    Here's something I don't understand - everytime a new topic comes up, Pelosi's opinion is considered the ultimate. But isn't Harry Reid, the incoming Senate Majority leader, just as powerful or even more powerful? I know the Speaker of the House is technically third in line to the presidency...
  2. S

    The NBA is

    FANtastic. Don't see why so many people hate it, that was a sweet opening night.
  3. S

    Bears Undefeated

    And that's why our giant hype machine is out of control. How many columnists in the last week wrote about the possibility of chicago finishing 19-0? The Bears are a very good team mind you, a legitimate Super Bowl contender. But there has to be a rule against even mentioning the possibility of...
  4. S

    Do you think there are women out there.....

    ....that find Dennis Hastert hot? I look at his picture, especially some of those extreme close-ups that make him look evil, and I just can't imagine a single woman (or man) finding him attractive.
  5. S

    All-time favorite piece of sports journalism?

    my bad if this has been asked in the past.... just wanted people to chime in
  6. S

    President '08

    Who do you guys want to see as the next clown in the Oval Office? I'd love to see Barack Obama running the show, he's the most intelligent candidate out there, but he's a liberal black man with a name that sounds like Osama, so I didn't see middle American giving him a chance. The only other...