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  • Users: henryhenry
  • Content: Threads
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  1. H

    A Mediocre Post About Nick Saban

    mediocre might be too kind...
  2. H

    hockey writers during the lockout...

    Fluto Shinzawa seems happy enough.
  3. H

    The Last Great SJ Thread

    This is funny, sort of. Maybe Wojo won't think so.
  4. H

    Talk Radio Bashing

    Everybody does it. And then they turn it on while stuck in traffic. This is kinda funny, kinda not.
  5. H

    Scott Barboza ESPNBoston

    Eats at some pricey places, according to how much does that job pay?
  6. H

    How Wertheim Reports

    He monitors the Supreme Court docket good idea
  7. H

    Leigh Montville Does Evel Knievel

    Longtime Montville fan here. He talks about his new bio. Good stuff once you get past dumb registration (email and password).
  8. H

    DeArmond on Depression

    this has some good stuff but i don't think he nailed what part of the job adds to the problem
  9. H

    One-Sentence Grafs Make Me Dizzy

  10. H

    new Leonard-Hagler book

    "Sorcery at Caesars: Sugar Ray's Marvelous Fight" Steve Marantz wrote it - he was the Boston Globe's boxing writer everything you didn't know about their rivalry if you're a Hagler fan like me reading this will pish you off even more but sneaky as leonard was you have to give him credit...
  11. H

    Bissenger's Anger Management Problem

    He wrote this in the NYT today: The N.C.A.A. resorting to such manipulation? It sure sounds plausible to me, maybe because of what happened when I tried to bring my camera into Rosenblatt to take pictures of my sons our last night there. I had done so the three previous games by dutifully...
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    Wanted: ex-scouts Giants, Broncos, Colts

    help! i need scouts who worked for the giants, broncos or colts in the 2002-2005 period, but no longer do.
  13. H

    SMG: Rich Hofmann

    Rich Hofmann is a consistently good read. And when you finish, you don't have a headache. He's doesn't do knee-jerk, and he picks ideas that don't always drive the most numbers.
  14. H

    SMG: Dave Reardon, Honolulu Star-Bulletin

    as ice storms hit the midwest and east... this guy is one lucky dude
  15. H

    golf psychologists?

    need help from the duffer crowd: names of golf 'mental game' coaches? best programs for dealing with head cases? no swing coaches - and no technical gurus - please.
  16. H

    quoting from e-mails?

    is there a standard practice? i read this in derrick goold's SMG interview: Q. What's your paper's policy about using e-mails in interviews? A. My experience is that you write it was from an e-mail. There are times you are sent a statement via e-mail and you write what the person said. If...
  17. H

    shooting down a 'scoop' is thankless

    Greg Logan laments that shooting down somebody else's 'scoop' never gets played as prominently as the inaccurate 'scoop'. he's dead on. perversely, doesn't this create more incentive to be first - even if wrong - than to follow and be right?
  18. H

    a powerful message

    john canzano: keyboard populist this is where bold sportswriting can go if, in fact, it is sportswriting it's kind of a hybrid - politics and sports
  19. H

    worst judging?

    need help on obscure trivia: in sports with subjective scoring (skating, gymnastics, diving, boxing, whatever) - what were some of the most disputed or grossly ridiculous outcomes?
  20. H

    best sports section: SF Chronicle?

    Jason Fry of WSJ Daily Fix picks Chronicle as best section. Hard to argue against this after their Balco coverage - not that it's a slam-dunk NY Daily News broke the Bonds 'speed' story - seems like they're always breaking stuff