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  • Users: bigugly
  • Content: Threads
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  1. B

    Agent suggestions?

    I am looking for a new agent that can handle TV and print. Can any of you recommend someone that you have had great success with? Thanks
  2. B

    Is it just me or are today's younger journalists lazy?

    I am not old. 40 to be exact, I guess to some of you that may be old. Anyways, I have no issues with my employees moving up and I am even willing to help them. The old good karma thing. Anyways I am exasperated with trying to help them and they act as if I owe them something. I am disgusted...
  3. B

    Troy Smith's speech

    where he mentioned Steve Snapp the SID was really classy. My last post was about Ego Maniac SID's but Snapp is one of the best. Who else do you all think is very good?
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    Ego driven SID's

    So I called an AD at a college that I do not cover on a regular basis and asked about a coach and his status. Anyways the SID calls me and goes postal (after the AD called me back) because "we have had a good relationship in the past and if you want that to continue you need to contact me...
  5. B

    How do reporters face someone (Torre) after they say he should be fired?

    I must confess that I have been thinking about that since it was said that he would be back. How would a beat writer face him. I am sure it's not like Torre will act like all is well and would it kill the ability of the beat writer? Please discuss all you people who are much smarter then me.
  6. B

    I am new here but I get the feeling most of you are print and not electronic?

    Is this correct? Is there are reason more electronic media don't associate here or at least don't discuss electronic issues? I must admit that I am enjoying so much print stuff, but just wondering.
  7. B

    Is it wrong for me to just be sick of the T.O. story?

    I realize all the journalist being unbiased crap but are any of you tired of covering this? Sorry but I really think that the public is as sick of it as we are. Now it has been on the TV all day and I know that I don't want to cover it anymore? Discuss please.