Search results for query: *

  1. J

    Do mature women appeal?

    Everything's a story idea. Began when I saw a license plate "MULF" on a car driven by a blonde of indeterminate age.
  2. J

    Do mature women appeal?

    For something I might write, I need an unscientific sampling from the men of Could you be attracted to a woman 25 years older than you? Let's say she's healthy, fit, maturely attractive, and funny.... At 45, that'd get you into Ann-Margret/Jane Fonda territory, but I...
  3. J

    Furman Bisher has died at 93

    Divorce happened. Kindred mentions the late love in Furman's life...
  4. J

    RIP Lacy Banks

    Apropos of the Reader's piece, Grizzard is famous among his enemies for defining a columnist's work. "He remembers with absolute clarity events that never happened."
  5. J

    Vanity Fair: Has the Washington Post Lost Its Way?

    "Now, try and find me one company that is making money online with newsgathering as its primary function." Agreed, there is none. Still, it's impossible to believe that news has no monetary value. Question is -- for a doctoral thesis, maybe -- when did news give away that value by prostituting...
  6. J

    WHOA! .... Bill Conlin resigns amid child molestation investigation

    Didn't I read that Conlin's in some Philadelphia-centric hall of fame?....So as long as they're not saying a MLB hall of famer, given that there's probably a dozen halls of fame he might be in, it's not inaccurate. Just weasely and misleading.
  7. J

    What if Michael Vick was white? - ESPN reaches for new lows...

    Isn't this another nature-or-nurture sociological argument that can never be answered satisfactorily because it's always some of each? It's not as if all white athletes from suburbia have been Bill Bradley. The troubled find trouble.
  8. J

    Yahoo levels Miami

    If your "real world"' substantiation is a world-class con man's say-so supported by a list of text-message phone numbers and no-comment/couldn't-be-reached's from the people smeared, your real world is different from mine.
  9. J

    Yahoo levels Miami

    Right, my sloppy writing there, NCAA couldn't penalize players already gone. My point was, the blogger said the other 60 involved couldn't really be substantiated even by Yahoo's own reporting.
  10. J

    Yahoo levels Miami

    So, the blogger had it right, eh? He studied Yahoo's stuff and decided it was sensationized on flimsy evidence, even said it could touch maybe 13 players, not the 72. Why ESPN failed to get the story? Same reason as everybody else. It didn't try. Good God, Shapiro ADVERTISED the...
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    Yahoo levels Miami

    Sure, serious. For a harmless profile of a subject with a complicated story, you might talk to a dozen people. This was complicated and for sure not harmless.
  12. J

    Yahoo levels Miami

    Don't ask him that. Don't have to quote him even. But read him, follow his thinking, see if it makes sense. It did. Being a sycophant doesn't make him dumb. The guy made good points that the Herald could have used to question Yahoo's story.
  13. J

    Yahoo levels Miami

    Good idea to write about Charles Robinson. Poorly done. Without being homerish, they could have asked about the Vishnu Parasuraman blog. It's at It points out really big holes in the Yahoo stories. They could have interviewed Parasuraman. They could have asked how...
  14. J

    Yahoo levels Miami

    Yep, sorry, nothing new, everybody "researches" everything and puts it to their own use. Maybe Shakespeare wrote the BCS stuff first or stole it from Bacon. Anyway, seemed odd they both decided reporters on scandals were were, in their words, "mall cops."
  15. J

    Yahoo levels Miami

    No, the overlaps in the Craggs and LeBatard columns aren't about whether there should be college sports or not. Maybe "amateur" sports, I don't know, I didn't see that. I saw the overlaps in the arguments. Like both guys refer to scandal reporters as mall cops. Both say the scandals happen...
  16. J

    Yahoo levels Miami

    Oh, when he writes that only the poor kids pay but never the adults, I guess he missed Jim Tressel. Wasn't it last month when Butch Davis got fired and the NC a.d went with him? Bruce Pearl. Kelvin Sampson. Barry Switzer. The Baylor basketball guy, the Fab Five guy. Eddie Sutton. The Dukie at...
  17. J

    Yahoo levels Miami

    Thanks for both of those. I had gone to Nexis and saw nothing. Reading the column, I see nothing. It's so high and mighty you'd think the guy knew nothing and didn't care to report anything. Also, if you read Tommy Craggs' recent recollection of his months-ago debate with Charles Robinson, you...
  18. J

    Yahoo levels Miami

    What did he have to say? "He's in the middle of developing" another career rather than commenting on the biggest story in his town....epitaph for a newspaper
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    Yahoo levels Miami

    Why's he not weighed in on this? I ask not knowing his schedule. Maybe he writes once a month between tv and radio.
  20. J

    Yahoo levels Miami

    A web-only news site is eligible for Pulitzers now. We'll have to see what impact the story has because impact is what the Pulitzers honor. I agree with Frank, though. I also think it was good work but it was work that came from one source venting his spleen. He handed them the thousands of...