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  1. scottsalomon

    Freelancer in South Florida Available

    Hi: I am a freelancer available in South Florida and am available for any assignment. I have covered prep, pro and college sports for years and am up to any task that you might have. Call Scott at 954-309-6865 or email at for more information or to schedule an...
  2. scottsalomon

    South Florida Freelancer-Hockey, Football and Basketball

    Experienced journalist available for sports coverage in South Florida. Email address is Reasonable rates, all sports covered.
  3. scottsalomon

    Conference USA Football Media Days

    Conference USA Media Days coverage available July 21 and 22 in Boca Raton, FL. Please email all inquiries and questions to Thank you.
  4. scottsalomon

    SEC Football Writers

    Chris, how can you be contacted regarding this position? Thank you.
  5. scottsalomon

    SEC Football Writers

    Chris, please review my email and get back to me. I forwarded it to careers and to you personally. Thank you. Scott
  6. scottsalomon

    SEC Football Writers

    Chris, I sent you an email. Can you review it and get back to me? Thank you. Scott
  7. scottsalomon

    NHL Draft Coverage In South Florida

    Anyone looking for a freelancer in South Florida to cover the weekend of the NHL Draft, drop me a line. Thank you.
  8. scottsalomon

    Recruiting articles- Paid

    So, like what's the compensation plan?
  9. scottsalomon

    Who knows golf and is in or near Baton Rouge?

    I am not in LA, but I can certainly coordinate by phone and write this story. Is the assignment still available? I have golf experience.
  10. scottsalomon

    MLB Coverage in South Florida

    Available to cover MLB in South Florida. Please contact me at for availability.
  11. scottsalomon

    NIT Coverage in Miami

    I am available to cover the NIT in Coral Gables for visiting schools' local newspapers. Please contact me at Thank you.
  12. scottsalomon

    College Baseball Writer in South Florida

    I am available to cover college baseball in South Florida. I can cover the University of Miami, FIU or FAU on an as-needed basis for visiting schools local papers. Please contact me by email at for further information.
  13. scottsalomon

    Telecommuting Sports Writers/Reporters Needed

    Are you looking for freelance prep writers in South Florida? I have a ton of experience in that field.
  14. scottsalomon

    2015 USA Hockey Southeastern District Tournament Championship

    Stringer available for coverage of the 2015 USA Hockey Southeastern District Tournament Championship in Coral Springs, FL during March 6-8, 2015. Email: for details.
  15. scottsalomon

    Freelance Writer Available in South Florida

    Experienced freelance writer available for all facets of sports reporting. Please send email to with any assignments or offers. Thank you.
  16. scottsalomon

    Dolphins-Hurricanes-FAU or FIU Freelancer Available

    If there is anyone out there looking for a South Florida correspondent to cover college or pro football in Miami, please contact me by email or by phone 954-309-6865. I have plenty of experience. Thank you. Scott Salomon