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    Long time Pittsburgh reporter leaves paper to start own site

    From the City Paper story: I don't know much about the quality of his work compared to the field, but I will say that he does treat Twitter and his blog like active dialogues with readers. Whether this translates into subscriptions I have no idea, but I don't think that part is lip service.
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    What makes this piece bad, Vol 1: Ann Coulter on soccer

    Hard to complain about soccer fans Hockey fans are notorious for this.
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    Michael Sam Says He Is Gay; May Become First Publicly Gay Player in N.F.L.

    Why was the "Aren't we beyond this?" anonymous? You'd think that sentiment would easily be one he could get somebody to stand behind with his name.
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    New journalism?

    Don't see it on their page now. What you're describing is the syntax to load the latest tweets with the #nolaprep hashtag while filtering out selected profanities. So it could be one of two things: 1) The widget failed to load properly, displaying the search query instead of processing it in...
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    Colin Kaepernick, Tatted Up Freak

    I was writing it off as a "new generation confuses old generation" column, until he positioned Jerry Richardson as some sort of hero: This whole exchange feels like it's straight out of the 1950s.
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    Posnanski and the Paterno book

    The latest SI cover:
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    Posnanski and the Paterno book

    Couldn't it mean that they're working on their own Penn State story?
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    Pam Ward: She gone

    I've always liked this.
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    When Losers Write History: reporters get their own industry so wrong

    No disagreements about the power of lawyers and all that entails. But I think papers have been missing what's out there on other side of the cost spectrum. Thinking only about baseball coverage (which is where this started), I would be very careful about touting editorial superiority. Not until...
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    When Losers Write History: reporters get their own industry so wrong

    Thanks. I've actually had those lines (or close to them) thrown at me in the recent past.
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    When Losers Write History: reporters get their own industry so wrong

    Honest question -- is this a serious/earnest sentiment? As somebody who wears both hats, I can take some time to refute this, but it feels like I might be misreading sarcasm.
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    2012 Baseball HOF ballot

    I would vote for him, because I'm a fan of memorable peaks. When he was at the top of his game, there was no way to pitch to him, and .300/.400/.500 lifetime reflects that. 147 career OPS+, and 11 full seasons with an OPS+ of 130 or higher. But there's a case against him for a career voter --...
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    Clay Travis on why every writer/journalist needs to be active on Twitter

    Or ... you can ignore his advice and follow more than 500 people and use lists.
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    Clay Travis on why every writer/journalist needs to be active on Twitter

    I'm a roll-out-of-bed-and-check-Twitter-first guy, and one of the evangelists in the newsroom about it, so I'm nearly in total agreement with the article. One thing I'd add is that it allows reporters a chance -- if they invest the time in responding -- to find valuable readers, and elevate the...
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    DMN's Evan Grant votes for Michael Young as AL MVP

    Yup. But I do think these kind of gut votes get a little more heat than usual because the audience, along with being much bigger than it was, also expects writers to show their work. In this case, the lead argument for supporting Young in the face of a mountain of evidence against him is...
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    DMN's Evan Grant votes for Michael Young as AL MVP

    If you want an even more confusing line of reasoning...
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    Twitter's conversation bubble

    I think there's no harm in journalists branching out, as long as followers can always answer the question, "Why am I following this person?" I don't think anybody should hesitate being a person, if a journalist wants to use Twitter as more than an extension of his/her duties. Minor political...
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    Romenesko and Poynter

    Hey, Poynter is just being consistent with its practice... ...of treating readers like they're incapable of judgment.
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    Should newspapers employ a statistical analysis person?

    Yup. heck, there's no need to even talk about the stats themselves, if you think acronyms will lose readers. No need to mention FIP. Just emphasize how a pitcher has a great ERA, but he's walking a lot of guys, which often spells trouble down the road. No need to mention wOBA or WAR. All you...
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    Should newspapers employ a statistical analysis person?

    By and large, the Chicago guys exhibit little understanding.