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    Story of the year so far?

    Um, it's Halloween in twenty minutes. Story of the Year is running out of time if it's only 'so far'
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    What is the fascination with David Eckstein?

    I don't think it's so much that he likes to run out grounders and occassionally dive in the field. It's that he NEEDS to run out grounders, wind up like a cartoon to get the ball across the infield, and dive for grounders. While Jose Reyes could routinely beat out infield singles, Furcal can...
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    Coaching at their alma mater...

    Ed DeChellis -- PSU
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    Columnist opening in Orlando

    Because when you treat writers -- people -- like stocks, acquisitions in a portfolio, that's what happens.
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    T.O. or Owens?

    I hope I'm not D_B'ing here, but anyone else find it odd that the AP uses T.O. on second reference?
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    BBWAA Complaints About St. Louis Press Box

    It kinda stunned me a little that they'd have similar conditions for their own PR dept. You're not going to be the cheeriest dude after freezing/sweating your balls off. If they don't fix it, maybe we'll start to see some different things from St Louis next season. NEWS FLASH: Pujols awarded...
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    BBWAA Complaints About St. Louis Press Box

    True story. I mean, is this following complaint really whining? 'Media members not sitting in the front row are unable to see the stadium scoreboard or follow fly balls unless they lay their heads flat on the table.' Cripes. If what the writers currently have is a meal ticket, it sounds like...
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    It's called working a corner and keeping America's streets safe for children.

    Re: It's called working a corner and keeping America's streets safe for children Randomly read an Entertainment Weekly article on Albom today, and it struck me how quickly he brushed off his newspaper transgressions. He basically said it was a mistake, he did it, you shouldn't, move on. Just no...
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    Columnist opening in Orlando

    Well, I just read Jemele's three most recent columns. I don't know what it says that I'd rather read 800 words from her than 2,000 from Simmons - but I would. I prefer more wordplay in writing...and I haven't been reading her for a while, but it seems she's more Chevy than Lamborghini. That's...
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    WXPN (Philly) 885 Greatest Artists of All-Time Poll

    Oh for crying out loud, I don't know why people even do these ginormous lists. 885 artists? Billy Idol must feel GREAT about just making the list, with such distinguished artists as the Animal Liberation Orchestra. Put that on a scroll and frame it. They would have avoided a lot of this silly...
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    Which is worse?

    I dunno. If the mystery pitching coach in Jon Heyman's column is telling any sort of truth, Rose is a saint compared to most pitchers today. It's just that Rogers was dumb enough to get caught.
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    MLB Playoffs

    A pipedream, but a dream nonetheless: World Series day games. I'm not sure there's anything I would've liked better this afternoon than to have some brunch, plop down, and take in a baseball game on my sun-lit couch. Oh, wait, yes: actually attending a daytime WS game.
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    Lidle knew how to eat

    I have to echo the Five Guys mention. I also haven't been within a thousand miles of an In-and-Out, but Five Guys is pretty damn good. At least personally, can't have it too often cause it just sits there in my stomach. But it's not a bad thing to have hang around.
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    Cory Lidle's plane crashes in NYC

    Replacement player stuff aside - because that's really not the point in what happened yesterday, is it? - can the endless loop of issued statements stop? It sickens me to read and listen to them roll by like a stock ticker, no more personal and meaningful than the numbers on Wall St. These...
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    When HGH is necessary - Irony of ironies

    With Grimsley-gate in full effect, the timeliness of this could not be better/more ironic. It's been observed or joked that HGH/steroids/performance-enhancing drugs don't always work, as in the case of the minor leaguers who never make it to the Show. But at least they look like guys. I...
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    Does anyone know if there's a definitive Prefontaine biography/book? I'm immensely interested in this guy, and would love to have a literary look at it...
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    Anyone hear anything about "The Mind of Bill James : How a Complete Outsider Changed Baseball" by Scott Gray? I wonder how it compares to other works about James, given how Gray is a music guy, doing works on Shania Twain and Alan Jackson - oh, and Jewel as well as Faith Hill/Tim McGraw. So it...