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  1. B

    To those of you who sit in the press box, How True is this statement?

    For NFL & NBA games not true at all. For NHL, MLB, and Major College basketball and football very true. Sadly. :'(
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    No Access For A Feature

    I had an interesting situation like that on a team I cover. I simply called the people that were firing him and it was handled fast. They wanted a good story while getting dissed on. Go above his head. They have already decided he is done so they don't give a SH** about his feelings. It...
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    robertson, christian coalition announce support for adulterer giuliani

    DING DING DING We have a winner! True
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    Non-journalists cheering in press box. Should I say something?

    The worst press box for cheering is Notre Dame. I am not a ND fan, but let me say this. The SID's are great and the employees are among the best. What stinks are the amount of fans in the press box and although the SID's don't like it, they really can't stop it.
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    Most Arrogant Athletes

    This made me laugh so hard that I had to clean coffee off of my laptop. Please tell me that they don't make a journalist actually go after a HS CC player? I feel for you brother.
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    Most Arrogant Athletes

    NBA: Lock it.
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    New Cincy coach criticizes Enquirer, others, for not staffing Big East media day

    I am not Brian. I do know how he works. I am not Brian. I don’t work for him and I don’t work for that paper’s competition. That said I have covered Brian a lot. I have covered him in detail and I can tell you that he is blunt, honest and I have never had him duck literally hundreds of...
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    Another NFL credentialing question...

    I cover on exclusive NFL team and attend all games home and away. It is very simple. Let your media rep from the Titans know and they will gladly take care of you I am sure. Other than the Raiders, I have yet to meet a NFL team that is hard to deal with and I have dealt with most.
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    Journalists and political donations

    I cover sports, not politics and I do give. I am not ashamed of it and have no issues with it. I talked to my boss about it and was told that it was fine.
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    Pay for pro beat writers

    I know several NFL beat writers and I am very close to seven that in the last two months we had this discussion. Without saying the cities I can tell you that three of them make over $100K, two of them are $65K range and the other two make $45K. To be very honest the two at the top have a very...
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    I sometimes forget how important we are ...

    Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding....we have a winner. Lock it!
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    Are television sports journalists lazy?

    I work in TV (sports director) and sadly many of them are. Many show up late to get the "sound bite" or the post, but aren't into it. Even worse, some of those that are successful many stay away from games and have very little interest in anything other then themselves. I am proud to be in TV...
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    Wireless access

    I have Sprint and it works great all over. I have used it in Cali many times. FWIW
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    Thought-provoking interview questions

    Sorry, I was thinking this and just had to laugh. Great one.
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    Jim Gray one-on-one with Barry

    I hate this guy. I actually called him out at a basketball game last year and told him I thought he was an over hyped POS. He is a tool and in my opinion makes our profession look bad.
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    Death Threats

    I had two after reporting a specific story about a coach. Funny thing was the fans hated me for it and the coach was the source. ;D Anyways we took them very serious, turned them in and my company put my family at a hotel and got me protection for four days until they felt the authorities had...
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    Agent suggestions?

    I am looking for a new agent that can handle TV and print. Can any of you recommend someone that you have had great success with? Thanks
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    Most media-friendly NFL teams

    I think the Lions are fantastic. The Bears are also excellent and the Browns also.