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  1. F

    Downloading Music

    another russian site,, charges 18 cents a song. and i just downloaded the new arcade fire album, which isn't out for three weeks.
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    Rushin out at SI

    say what you will about his columns--the guy is one of the best feature writers out there. how do you let a guy like that get away?
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    "We're running out of time!" - Thread for 2/12 edition of "24"

    what the heck was the brother thinking? "i'll cop to killing an ex-president and a couple of federal agents. but it's ok, because i'll only do a little time and dad will get me out of jail?"
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    police reunion opens 2007 grammys

    crap, i missed it. what'd they play?
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    ESPN Books/Amaechi

    i agree completely about a publisher rightfully demanding exclusivity, but the thing that strikes me as offputting is that espn is benefitting from the fact that this is a big news story when they're playing a crucial role in making it news. i just wonder how different the coverage would be if...
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    ESPN Books/Amaechi

    here's what chaps my backside: amaechi hasn't talked to anyone except espn. i have to believe that's because espn doesn't want him talking to anyone until the book and inevitable espn the mag story come out. and that ain't right.
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    ESPN Books/Amaechi

    haven't seen this in any of the amaechi threads, but forgive me if it has come up: what do you think of the fact that ESPN is publishing amaechi's book? the WWL is, like or not, a big-time agenda setter. obviously it suits their interest to make the most of a story that they could benefit from...
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    LeBron James on John Amaechi

    there were at least whisperings about it, at least according to amaechi (who supposedly writes that jerry sloan called him a gay something or another). so even if amaechi was never asked, people still apparently wondered. (i'm certainly not saying he was obligated to comment on rumor and...
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    The return of Lost

    amen. no one can hit a full-sized person standing 15 feet away, but suddenly they can nail a walkie talkie? why is it that henchmen are always such bad shots? wouldn't being able to handle a gun be a prerequisite for a career in henchmanship?
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    after hearing a guy at a local jazz joint play some ellington, i picked up the duke's box set. incredible. i then grabbed the book lush life, a biography of billy strayhorn, who composed many of ellington's best-known numbers. strayhorn was gay, so he didn't mind being out of the limelight, but...
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    Notes on a Scandal

    i didn't care for the kid's performance. i didn't find him at all believable. the three leads, tho--especially bill nighy--were fantastic.
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    i've got cat's covers record, titled, of all things, "the covers record." occasionally overdoes the somber thing, but what a voice. i couldn't agree more on stewart. maybe my biggest pet peeve is a performer who takes someone else's (better) song and makes it more popular than the original. the...
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    Who's your favorite obscure band, musical artist?

    there was some drivin n cryin talk here earlier. but month of sundays? holy crap. haven't heard that one in a while. loved them.
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    Who's your favorite obscure band, musical artist?

    they're not really obscure per se (critics and music snobs are always talking them up), but not many folks today listen to them, so i'd throw mission of burma into the ring.
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    i think i've got it on a disc i just packed away. if you're interested PM me. i'll be unpacking sometime next week and would be happy to copy it.
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    Random Thoughts

    that's good news.
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    Revenge of the Nerds on Starz Edge!

    what the fork are robster craws?
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    Yahoo! Sports page

    yahoo used to be great b/c it was no-frills--quick loading, easy to navigate, great for treo/blackberry type things. now it sucks.
  19. F

    Who's your favorite obscure band, musical artist?

    i'm actually watching caddyshack as we speak. it says "night riders."
  20. F

    Now, THIS is a powerful message (Wallace Matthews Column today)

    perhaps it affects such a small percentange of the population because such a small percentage of the population plays in the nfl. among players, i'd say the incidence is far more significant. it's a legitimate issue.