
  1. maumann

    We're No. 1, mate! Aussies are not as think as you drunk they are

    ‘Risky levels’: Australia is the drunkest country in the world, survey finds | Health | The Guardian The French are just going to have to try harder.
  2. 2muchcoffeeman

    Meanwhile, in Australia

    Why? Because the Land Down Under makes Florida look boring. Where else will you see two giant pythons falling out of a ceiling, other snakes clogging up a woman’s toilet tank (it’s the second time snakes have upper-decked her), and 14-foot, 771-pound saltwater crocodiles?
  3. Spartan Squad

    Malace in the Philippine Palace

    Philippines and Australia throw down in a basketball world cup qualifying game. Milwaukee Bucks' Thon Maker was seen trying to kick people but the Philippine players certainly kicked some ass. Investigations are coming. Mass brawl erupts in Australia, Philippines basketball game - CNN A video...