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Another student question....Media Ethics

joe_schmoe said:
Tom Petty said:
if you can't ask a hard question, i sure don't want you on staff.

I wouldn't worry about that, you've left enough idiotic and worthless posts here that nobody that reads them would want to be on your staff.
Boy, I can't wait for the witty and cunning response to this one. ::)

Well, Tom Petty can be abrasive, but I agree on this one. Some folks are hesitant to ask tough questions and the better they know their sources the more hesitant they become.
buckweaver said:
Tom Petty said:
Mizzougrad96 said:
I think there are definitely a lot of reporters (at small papers and large ones) who reach a certain comfort zone and that makes them less likely to write controversial stuff. Does it make them homers? Maybe in some instances, but it's more a case of guys getting complacent.

As far as guys who want to move on quickly chasing the controversy because they don't give a fork, I think that happens all the time. If you're at a steppingstone job, you want to make your mark so you can build an impressive portfolio and move on... These guys tend to be the most aggressive because they're not worried about pissing anyone off...

why would you ever be worried about pissing somebody off? every now and then we're supposed to ask a hard question and write about it.

believe it or not, back when i was starting out as a writer -- at a small daily -- i was aggressive because i thought the reader deserved to know the truth. now i don't write so much and don't feel it's my job to stir the pot ... i sure do expect the folks who are writers at my paper now to seek out the truth, though. if you can't ask a hard question, i sure don't want you on staff.

It's called "maintaining a relationship with your sources." If you pish enough people off, or pish off the wrong people, you ain't gonna have many people left who will return your calls. Then you can't do your job. It's also called "choosing your battles." You can't ask the hard questions on every, minor detail of a meaningless (or relatively minor) story and then expect to get any answers from that source when the big story is going down a month later.

Of course, if you're only going to be there for six months ... ahh, don't worry about it so much. But if you're there for a year or more, you're going to want to have people respect you -- and more importantly, return your calls.

wow buck, you highlight and bold the copy of my reply right up to 'every now and then' and then go on a rant about what maintaining relationships means and continue on with choosing battles.

i fully understand maintaining relationships -- although i enjoyed the sermon -- but at times you do have to ask sources difficult questions if you are a professional. i was responding to the folks who go to places they know they may never leave and do anything and everything but 'rock the boat,' ever.

if you work at a paper that's more than one of those local, 15,000-circ. homer rags that nobody respects, you have to ask the tough question at some time or you'll find yourself in the unemployment line. (note: many 15,000-circ. papers aren't afraid to ask the tough question and that's why they're respected.)

never rocking the boat makes for some lame-assed journalism, and people who are afraid to ask that question should find another profession where they can hike their skirt up while on the clock.
Buckweaver and Ace are both right.
So how you you find the balance between picking your battles and asking the tough questions.

Is it all a judgement call?
buckweaver said:
Tom Petty said:
buckweaver said:
Thanks for the sermon, Tom. ::)

no problem buck ... i just thought you'd choose your battle better.

Didn't think I was battling, but OK. Just answering your question -- "Why would you ever worry about pissing somebody off?" -- with the answer being, sometimes you've got to choose whether that particular story is worth asking the hard question if you're going to have to maintain a relationship with that source in the future. It's not a be-all, end-all situation of "if you can't ask a hard question, I don't want you on my staff." There's a time and a place for everything, hence my "sermon" about choosing your battles.

If you thought I was being sarcastic, I wasn't. Looks like my font's broken again. Don't take it personal.

well yeah, buck, there is a be-all, end-all to asking the tough question. either you can do it and belong in journalism or you can't and should find another line of work. people put 50 cents in racks to get the truth, not some lazy-assed writer who squirms in his chair when it gets a little hot.

i didn't think people earned their pay by being buddies with their sources. heck, you can ask all the tough questions you want to get to the truth, and only after asking that question can you decide how you're going to play it in a story. but, if you never ask the question, you never know the truth.
Let's assume the judgment call isn't whether the question needs to be asked, but whether the story needs to be pursued.

If the answer is yes, you need to ask that question. But you can be smart/sensitive about it.

For example, say a parent calls to complain that Coach Doe favors certain kids and makes others, who are just as good if not better, ride the bench. Bet you would find that one of the "better" kids is the son of the caller.

I would brush that off. Say it's the coach's decision. You're not gonna call Coach Doe and say, "Why aren't you playing Timmy, even though he's better than those guys who get to play."

Now if the caller says that the coach favors kids who pay $250 to go to his summer camp and has told parents that players who don't attend aren't likely to play for him, you may have a story.

You could dig a little see if there is a correlation. Ask others if this is standard or unusual, then have at the guy.

If you are just fishing or swining out of the blue asking tough questions, you are gonna get a bad reaction or let the person dance out of it. If you are prepared, hey, you're just doing your job.

Kind like buying a new car. You go in and demand to know what the invoice price is and say you'll only pay $100 more, you won't get far.

You go in knowing what the car cost the deal and show him you are prepared, he will deal with you.
Ace said:
Let's assume the judgment call isn't whether the question needs to be asked, but whether the story needs to be pursued.

If the answer is yes, you need to ask that question. But you can be smart/sensitive about it.

For example, say a parent calls to complain that Coach Doe favors certain kids and makes others, who are just as good if not better, ride the bench. Bet you would find that one of the "better" kids is the son of the caller.

I would brush that off. Say it's the coach's decision. You're not gonna call Coach Doe and say, "Why aren't you playing Timmy, even though he's better than those guys who get to play."

Now if the caller says that the coach favors kids who pay $250 to go to his summer camp and has told parents that players who don't attend aren't likely to play for him, you may have a story.

You could dig a little see if there is a correlation. Ask others if this is standard or unusual, then have at the guy.

If you are just fishing or swining out of the blue asking tough questions, you are gonna get a bad reaction or let the person dance out of it. If you are prepared, hey, you're just doing your job.

Kind like buying a new car. You go in and demand to know what the invoice price is and say you'll only pay $100 more, you won't get far.

You go in knowing what the car cost the deal and show him you are prepared, he will deal with you.

ace - you're absolutely correct on the parent thing, those things you brush off.

on the other matter, when i routinely wrote a helluva lot more than i do now and covered preps, i had great relationships with a great deal of my coaches and athletic directors and asked what a lot of people would interpret as awkward questions just to get them out there and not let 'em fester. parents talk, a lot, and therefore make a ton of things up in their own minds and would whisper shirt into my ear.

i'd turn around, openly talk with athletic director from school B and say: 'hey dave, there's a rumor mill running rampant and i have to ask to either extinguish the rumor or dig further into the matter ... but, parent A (without being IDed) said ... is there any truth to that?'

99 percent of the time the AD would laugh and give a 'shirt man, (long explanation)' and it would be over. parent A would come back, i'd explain the situation and 95 percent of the time the parent would be happy because: A) what was being said wasn't true and B) the paper was doing its job and they had someone in me who wasn't afraid to 'get it out there.'

but, one of those times, i came to learn that a coach, at our second largest school, rationalized abusing kids, actually striking them and i had a two-part series with a column. people respected the fact i had the nuts to ask the guy the question straight up.

i don't understand why so many on this thread believe 'getting it out there' is a bad thing and destroys sources. actually, most of the time, you're doing everyone involved a favor by having a sack.
Tom Petty said:
Ace said:
Let's assume the judgment call isn't whether the question needs to be asked, but whether the story needs to be pursued.

If the answer is yes, you need to ask that question. But you can be smart/sensitive about it.

For example, say a parent calls to complain that Coach Doe favors certain kids and makes others, who are just as good if not better, ride the bench. Bet you would find that one of the "better" kids is the son of the caller.

I would brush that off. Say it's the coach's decision. You're not gonna call Coach Doe and say, "Why aren't you playing Timmy, even though he's better than those guys who get to play."

Now if the caller says that the coach favors kids who pay $250 to go to his summer camp and has told parents that players who don't attend aren't likely to play for him, you may have a story.

You could dig a little see if there is a correlation. Ask others if this is standard or unusual, then have at the guy.

If you are just fishing or swining out of the blue asking tough questions, you are gonna get a bad reaction or let the person dance out of it. If you are prepared, hey, you're just doing your job.

Kind like buying a new car. You go in and demand to know what the invoice price is and say you'll only pay $100 more, you won't get far.

You go in knowing what the car cost the deal and show him you are prepared, he will deal with you.

ace - you're absolutely correct on the parent thing, those things you brush off.

on the other matter, when i routinely wrote a helluva lot more than i do now and covered preps, i had great relationships with a great deal of my coaches and athletic directors and asked what a lot of people would interpret as awkward questions just to get them out there and not let 'em fester. parents talk, a lot, and therefore make a ton of things up in their own minds and would whisper shirt into my ear.

i'd turn around, openly talk with athletic director from school B and say: 'hey dave, there's a rumor mill running rampant and i have to ask to either extinguish the rumor or dig further into the matter ... but, parent A (without being IDed) said ... is there any truth to that?'

99 percent of the time the AD would laugh and give a 'shirt man, (long explanation)' and it would be over. parent A would come back, i'd explain the situation and 95 percent of the time the parent would be happy because: A) what was being said wasn't true and B) the paper was doing its job and they had someone in me who wasn't afraid to 'get it out there.'

but, one of those times, i came to learn that a coach, at our second largest school, rationalized abusing kids, actually striking them and i had a two-part series with a column. people respected the fact i had the nuts to ask the guy the question straight up.

i don't understand why so many on this thread believe 'getting it out there' is a bad thing and destroys sources. actually, most of the time, you're doing everyone involved a favor by having a sack.

Speaking of asking the tough question:

Have you ever been kicked in the sack?
DyePack said:
Tom Petty said:
Ace said:
Let's assume the judgment call isn't whether the question needs to be asked, but whether the story needs to be pursued.

If the answer is yes, you need to ask that question. But you can be smart/sensitive about it.

For example, say a parent calls to complain that Coach Doe favors certain kids and makes others, who are just as good if not better, ride the bench. Bet you would find that one of the "better" kids is the son of the caller.

I would brush that off. Say it's the coach's decision. You're not gonna call Coach Doe and say, "Why aren't you playing Timmy, even though he's better than those guys who get to play."

Now if the caller says that the coach favors kids who pay $250 to go to his summer camp and has told parents that players who don't attend aren't likely to play for him, you may have a story.

You could dig a little see if there is a correlation. Ask others if this is standard or unusual, then have at the guy.

If you are just fishing or swining out of the blue asking tough questions, you are gonna get a bad reaction or let the person dance out of it. If you are prepared, hey, you're just doing your job.

Kind like buying a new car. You go in and demand to know what the invoice price is and say you'll only pay $100 more, you won't get far.

You go in knowing what the car cost the deal and show him you are prepared, he will deal with you.

ace - you're absolutely correct on the parent thing, those things you brush off.

on the other matter, when i routinely wrote a helluva lot more than i do now and covered preps, i had great relationships with a great deal of my coaches and athletic directors and asked what a lot of people would interpret as awkward questions just to get them out there and not let 'em fester. parents talk, a lot, and therefore make a ton of things up in their own minds and would whisper shirt into my ear.

i'd turn around, openly talk with athletic director from school B and say: 'hey dave, there's a rumor mill running rampant and i have to ask to either extinguish the rumor or dig further into the matter ... but, parent A (without being IDed) said ... is there any truth to that?'

99 percent of the time the AD would laugh and give a 'shirt man, (long explanation)' and it would be over. parent A would come back, i'd explain the situation and 95 percent of the time the parent would be happy because: A) what was being said wasn't true and B) the paper was doing its job and they had someone in me who wasn't afraid to 'get it out there.'

but, one of those times, i came to learn that a coach, at our second largest school, rationalized abusing kids, actually striking them and i had a two-part series with a column. people respected the fact i had the nuts to ask the guy the question straight up.

i don't understand why so many on this thread believe 'getting it out there' is a bad thing and destroys sources. actually, most of the time, you're doing everyone involved a favor by having a sack.

Speaking of asking the tough question:

Have you ever been kicked in the sack?

yup - it was in the third grade at recess by a little girl who reminds me a lot of you.
Tom Petty said:
DyePack said:
Tom Petty said:
Ace said:
Let's assume the judgment call isn't whether the question needs to be asked, but whether the story needs to be pursued.

If the answer is yes, you need to ask that question. But you can be smart/sensitive about it.

For example, say a parent calls to complain that Coach Doe favors certain kids and makes others, who are just as good if not better, ride the bench. Bet you would find that one of the "better" kids is the son of the caller.

I would brush that off. Say it's the coach's decision. You're not gonna call Coach Doe and say, "Why aren't you playing Timmy, even though he's better than those guys who get to play."

Now if the caller says that the coach favors kids who pay $250 to go to his summer camp and has told parents that players who don't attend aren't likely to play for him, you may have a story.

You could dig a little see if there is a correlation. Ask others if this is standard or unusual, then have at the guy.

If you are just fishing or swining out of the blue asking tough questions, you are gonna get a bad reaction or let the person dance out of it. If you are prepared, hey, you're just doing your job.

Kind like buying a new car. You go in and demand to know what the invoice price is and say you'll only pay $100 more, you won't get far.

You go in knowing what the car cost the deal and show him you are prepared, he will deal with you.

ace - you're absolutely correct on the parent thing, those things you brush off.

on the other matter, when i routinely wrote a helluva lot more than i do now and covered preps, i had great relationships with a great deal of my coaches and athletic directors and asked what a lot of people would interpret as awkward questions just to get them out there and not let 'em fester. parents talk, a lot, and therefore make a ton of things up in their own minds and would whisper shirt into my ear.

i'd turn around, openly talk with athletic director from school B and say: 'hey dave, there's a rumor mill running rampant and i have to ask to either extinguish the rumor or dig further into the matter ... but, parent A (without being IDed) said ... is there any truth to that?'

99 percent of the time the AD would laugh and give a 'shirt man, (long explanation)' and it would be over. parent A would come back, i'd explain the situation and 95 percent of the time the parent would be happy because: A) what was being said wasn't true and B) the paper was doing its job and they had someone in me who wasn't afraid to 'get it out there.'

but, one of those times, i came to learn that a coach, at our second largest school, rationalized abusing kids, actually striking them and i had a two-part series with a column. people respected the fact i had the nuts to ask the guy the question straight up.

i don't understand why so many on this thread believe 'getting it out there' is a bad thing and destroys sources. actually, most of the time, you're doing everyone involved a favor by having a sack.

Speaking of asking the tough question:

Have you ever been kicked in the sack?

yup - it was in the third grade at recess by a little girl who reminds me a lot of you.

At last, a worthy opponent.
DyePack said:
Tom Petty said:
DyePack said:
Tom Petty said:
Ace said:
Let's assume the judgment call isn't whether the question needs to be asked, but whether the story needs to be pursued.

If the answer is yes, you need to ask that question. But you can be smart/sensitive about it.

For example, say a parent calls to complain that Coach Doe favors certain kids and makes others, who are just as good if not better, ride the bench. Bet you would find that one of the "better" kids is the son of the caller.

I would brush that off. Say it's the coach's decision. You're not gonna call Coach Doe and say, "Why aren't you playing Timmy, even though he's better than those guys who get to play."

Now if the caller says that the coach favors kids who pay $250 to go to his summer camp and has told parents that players who don't attend aren't likely to play for him, you may have a story.

You could dig a little see if there is a correlation. Ask others if this is standard or unusual, then have at the guy.

If you are just fishing or swining out of the blue asking tough questions, you are gonna get a bad reaction or let the person dance out of it. If you are prepared, hey, you're just doing your job.

Kind like buying a new car. You go in and demand to know what the invoice price is and say you'll only pay $100 more, you won't get far.

You go in knowing what the car cost the deal and show him you are prepared, he will deal with you.

ace - you're absolutely correct on the parent thing, those things you brush off.

on the other matter, when i routinely wrote a helluva lot more than i do now and covered preps, i had great relationships with a great deal of my coaches and athletic directors and asked what a lot of people would interpret as awkward questions just to get them out there and not let 'em fester. parents talk, a lot, and therefore make a ton of things up in their own minds and would whisper shirt into my ear.

i'd turn around, openly talk with athletic director from school B and say: 'hey dave, there's a rumor mill running rampant and i have to ask to either extinguish the rumor or dig further into the matter ... but, parent A (without being IDed) said ... is there any truth to that?'

99 percent of the time the AD would laugh and give a 'shirt man, (long explanation)' and it would be over. parent A would come back, i'd explain the situation and 95 percent of the time the parent would be happy because: A) what was being said wasn't true and B) the paper was doing its job and they had someone in me who wasn't afraid to 'get it out there.'

but, one of those times, i came to learn that a coach, at our second largest school, rationalized abusing kids, actually striking them and i had a two-part series with a column. people respected the fact i had the nuts to ask the guy the question straight up.

i don't understand why so many on this thread believe 'getting it out there' is a bad thing and destroys sources. actually, most of the time, you're doing everyone involved a favor by having a sack.

Speaking of asking the tough question:

Have you ever been kicked in the sack?

yup - it was in the third grade at recess by a little girl who reminds me a lot of you.

At last, a worthy opponent.

yup, oh yeah, "have you ever been kicked in the sack?"

a guy really has to bring his A game when you're at the table.
Just wondering, anyone know of any good (okay, and cheap) books on the subject? Specifically ethics in sports or ethics in small newspapers.

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