Borden's a capable reporter but nothing special. He could become something more, but needs to experience life and various beats before he's ready to be a columnist.
From what the guys on the Yankees beat say, he got his job at the Daily News because of family connections (he grew up in Westchester, son of old boy network), was hired to do the tv sports section, ate lunch with the right people and ended up with the Yankee beat. Correct me if I'm wrong on that timeline, but as far as I know he never worked anywhere else, or did any other beat.
And now he's been named Jacksonville columnist? Or holding the News up for something better? Last thing they need is another white columnist with little humor and average style. I do give him props for relentlessly promoting himself. Haven't seen that kind of self-promoter since Lupica. Spnited, you seem to have fallen for Borden's MO.