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"Journalists" give standing O to Hillary

As someone who was there, albeit working and not seated at one of the tables, this was not a rousing, Go Hillary! kind of thing. And I paid attention to this. The tables were mostly filled with sponsors from various corporations, along with maybe three or four dedicated tables of journalists.

Those seated at one of those tables (the one I was closest to and could see) seemed to reluctantly stand up when the rest of the room was giving the standing ovation, because remaining seated would've been just as awkward and could've been seen as a show of aggression toward someone who's about to be covered exhaustively over the next 18 months and perhaps beyond. There was no hearty applause or whooping, and I don't even know that there was any clapping from the journalists for Hillary. Possibly just standing so it wasn't the only table not standing. If there was clapping it was just polite, don't-make-a-show-of-it applause. It's a tough spot, but I definitely didn't see this as a bunch of policy writers cheering in the press box.
I get that journalists should be objective and keep political opinions to themselves in public, Joe ... but this event, and its formality of a standing O, is really small potatoes.

Regarding the objectivity of newspapers, I'd be more concerned about the 95-98 percent of papers owned by either corporate entities or hard-core, millionaire Republicans than I would be about the voting records of journalists.

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