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President Biden: The NEW one and only politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Moderator1, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. Regan MacNeil

    Regan MacNeil Well-Known Member

  2. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    Cheney lost in Wyo primary, no surprise there. So now they've gone from someone who was once the # 3-ranked Republican in the house to a low-rate, election-denying, fake-tanned Boebert/Greene imitator who doesn't know Sundance from second base and who won't be taken seriously by anyone in the House except the lunatic right-wing fringe.

    I guess living in a fantasy world and spreading election lies have become "traditional Wyoming values."
  3. DanielSimpsonDay

    DanielSimpsonDay Well-Known Member

  4. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    Donald "Duck" Dunn! What a pull!
  5. 2muchcoffeeman

    2muchcoffeeman Well-Known Member

    I realize I ain’t fancy, but I had to google “crudité” tonight.

    Why can’t y’all just say “deli veggie plate with ranch dip” like normal people?
  6. Octave

    Octave Well-Known Member

    It was about time damned Donald "Duck" Dunn made this thread.
  7. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Blame Dr. Oz!!!
    OscarMadison likes this.
  8. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    I know we've talked about this before, but any chance Cheney runs in the general as an indie? Or does she roll the dice for 2024?
  9. Twirling Time

    Twirling Time Well-Known Member

    Too bad Mike Lee is up for re-election this year. Otherwise Cheney could've moved to Utah and run against him.
  10. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    She's got the cash. Murkowski did it in 2010 and won. She got smoked by 30. In Wyoming. Hageman would win by 20 instead of 45.

    At this point, she has no traction in a GOP run in 2024. Unless she pulls a Perot-esque run to siphon things from Trump, if he runs.
  11. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    Lot of money to spend to set yourself up for a savage asskicking.

    I mean, as a Democrat I respect her willingness to stand up to the Trump nuts... but I'm sure as hell not about to vote for her.
  12. Twirling Time

    Twirling Time Well-Known Member

    She's almost certainly better off politically by laying low, fundraising quietly and letting the Trump fever run its course.
    Neutral Corner likes this.
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