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2008 Running Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. HandsomeHarley

    HandsomeHarley Well-Known Member

    You're right, dammit. I had to think hard to remember.

    I almost said Steve Regal and Steve Keirn, but that didn't sound right. It was Garvin and Regal (not Steve "William" Regal from WWE, but a different Steve Regal).
  2. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Mick Foley named new Smackdown commentator and will debut for tonight's Smackdown matches on Backlash PPV.

    Haven't heard what will happen to Coach (perhaps Regal's KOTR win means Coach moves back to Raw as GM?)
  3. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    That's the rumor.
  4. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Backlash predictions ...

    World Heavyweight Title match: Undertaker vs. Edge -- Taker wins, retains
    Big Show vs. The Great Khali: Big Show batters Khali to win
    U.S. Championship: MVP vs. Matt Hardy: Hardy wins by DQ, MVP retains (title change is coming, just not today)
    WWE Championship Fatal 4-Way Elimination -- JBL wins title by pinning HHH (who, for doing the job to JBL will get to pin both Orton and Cena). I think HHH will win the title at the mid-May PPV.
    ECW Champion Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero -- Kane wins by DQ, retains
    Batista vs. Shawn Michaels -- Batista wins this match. Not sure if Jericho will be deciding factor.
    12-Diva Tag Team Match -- Heel divas will win (Beth Phoenix pinning Mickie James)
  5. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    A PPV without Regal, Punk and Kennedy? There's got to be some kind of angle to set up for Raw:

    How about this? Punk lost to Regal in the final last week. Regal, who is supposed to have a KOTR coronation on Raw, is interrupted by Punk (just like he did to Edge on Smackdown) and challenges Regal for a rematch. Kennedy, however, comes out and says he should have been in the KOTR tournament and he wants a shot at Regal, too, or at least a match with Punk for the MITB briefcase. This results in either a 3-way match on Raw, a 1-on-1 match with the winner taking on Regal at the May 18 PPV.

    The thing about the WWE schedule is that after tonight's Backlash, they have three weeks to set up the May PPV and then One Night Stand follows quickly on June 1. I'm thinking Punk might actually cash in his MITB at One Night Stand.
  6. zebracoy

    zebracoy Guest

    World Heavyweight Title match: Undertaker vs. Edge
    --Undertaker retains

    Big Show vs. The Great Khali
    --Big Show

    U.S. Championship: MVP vs. Matt Hardy
    --MVP cheats to win

    WWE Championship Fatal 4-Way Elimination
    --Orton retains cheaply

    ECW Champion Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero
    --Kane retains

    Batista vs. Shawn Michaels
    --Michaels wins, surprisingly good match

    12-Diva Tag Team Match
    --Faces win, I guess.
  7. HandsomeHarley

    HandsomeHarley Well-Known Member

    I don't see Orton retaining tonight.

    In a spoiler alert, and FWIW, some WWE advertising alluded to, "See the new champion ..." on Raw.

    If Trips doesn't win it here, I'll be shocked. 'Course, I said that at Mania and was (pleasantly) surprised.
  8. bostonbred

    bostonbred Guest

    And your new WWE Champion...

    Triple H. Blech.
  9. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Matt Hardy won the US title.

    Kane and Taker both retained their titles.

    HHH won the WWE title (Cena beat JBL, Orton took out Cena and HHH beat Orton).
  10. SlickWillie71

    SlickWillie71 Member

    Trips won? Yawn, which is exactly what his title reign will be.
  11. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    I don't mind HHH winning the title so much. It's been a long time since he's had the belt, and it's not like they have many other worthy names (I'd have given it to Cena again, but he's still working the movie, I think)
  12. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    Meltzer hooks us up with a Leticia Cline audition video from last year for some sort of Maxim thing. She isn't really that good (and she's not with TNA anymore) and this isn't even the first Basic Instinct wrestling riff (Wrestlemania goes Hollywood with Christian and someone else), but it's fairly funny.

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