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2008 Running Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    That HBK segment seemed out of place for some reason...
  2. No kidding. Disappointed Punk already has a loss, but I remember Kennedy . . . Kennedy having a few as well as Mr. MITB.
  3. zebracoy

    zebracoy Guest

    I was thinking about that C.M. Punk loss. Booking that match in itself was a lose-lose situation. Either Jericho looks less credible as the champ, or Punk looks bad having picked up a loss despite being a championship contender.
  4. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    Good to see them officially turn Show face. Was too over with the fans since his return, and the Mayweather stuff aided that.
  5. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    How many farewell addresses can one person have?
  6. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

  7. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    Four Horsemen.

  8. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

  9. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    Hmm... wonder if TNA would let Sting show up for this?
  10. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    I don't think so. But I don't know that much.
  11. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    A damn shame.
  12. Tiger16

    Tiger16 Member

    That was an awesome ending
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