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2008 Running Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. Petrie

    Petrie Guest

    Just saw the last segment on the West Coast and...well...wow. Thankfully Vince didn't go over the top and kept the send-off simple, let Flair go off with class.

    As heartfelt as everything was tonight, I hope Flair backs up the talk of WM being his final match and avoids the allure of coming back to in-ring action for one more big payday (see: Hogan, Hulk). However, Flair still has so many other tools that for him to leave the business altogether would be sad. Hopefully he takes a break and comes back as a manager/GM/etc.
  2. Petrie

    Petrie Guest

    Since SD and ECW are basically the same roster, seems like a good way (and time) to unify the belts and go back to 2 shows...
  3. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    I had thought that too, especially since Smackdown was getting kicked off of the CW (and how fail must your ratings be if the CW is throwing your ass to the curb?) Combine the two shows under the ECW banner, which I think may have been a prospect under that global domination plan of theirs last year where they'd have international touring divisions and two in the U.S./Canada. Give it a two-hour show on Sci-Fi, and be done with it.
  4. Petrie

    Petrie Guest

    Sounds good, but when would it run? ECW is a Tuesday show, while SD has always been a Thursday/Friday night deal. I'm not exactly sure what Sci-Fi's programming is these days (I could've easily told you when I was still living with my parents), but wrestling on primetime late in the week doesn't seem like it would meet the goal of the channel...
  5. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    It doesn't, but neither did ECW. WWE's contract with NBC Universal keeps it from going to any non-NBC-U channel, which leaves them few options (USA doesn't want more wrestling).
  6. Petrie

    Petrie Guest

    Good to know Vince planned that one out...
  7. mpcincal

    mpcincal Well-Known Member

    Actually, I read on a Web site that they're coming out with a new Ric Flair DVD this year or next. I'm pretty sure they'd have the WM match and send-off on it.
  8. StaggerLee

    StaggerLee Well-Known Member

    Didn't get to see it live, and for some reason, my DVR missed RAW tonight. But it's on YouTube, so I got lucky.

    For those of you wanting to catch it again, here's Flair's RAW sendoff:

    Parts 1 and 2. Really nice, wish I would have seen it live.
  9. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    I'm surprised you were the first to mention it, because that's what stuck with me. A simple, classy way to let a legend take a final bow. Doesn't always happen that way, whether it be wrestling, sports or whatever the profession might be.
  10. Rex Harrison

    Rex Harrison Member

    The end of Raw is an instant classic. Too bad Sting couldn't be there. Regardless, thank God Vince didn't fuck it up.

    In other business ...

    Jericho over Punk? At this point, why job either of them. Didn't make any sense. However, and I hope to shit this doesn't happen, the constant reference to the MITB holder's ability to cash in for ANY championship ... there is no reason to continue this if it's wasted on the IC title. I love the IC title. It's a prestigious one. But MITB, like the Royal Rumble, should lead to a world title. Then again, Vince cheapened the Rumble this year, too.

    Crime Tyme ... yawn.

    Those small guys in those shiny pants over Holly/Rhodes ... could it be that after a year of being buried, the former top SmackDown tag team will be given a push? Get real. This is Raw, and those are the tag titles. They'll be forgotten again soon enough.

    Orton over Hardy ... a damn fine TV match.

    JBL challenging for the title ... yawn.

    Mickie is still with the company? Regardless, I want to have Beth Phoenix's baby.
  11. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Cryme Tyme, Cade/Murdoch, Kendrick/London, Rhodes/Holly, Miz/Morrison, Festus/Jesse, Deuce/Domino, Yang/Moore, Carlito/Marella. That's the tag team division right now. Can anyone else see why the tag titles weren't defended at WM24?

    The Flair sendoff was great. First Raw I've watched from start to finish since the Benoit stuff occurred. I marked out for Race and Valentine, Steamboat and the Horsemen. I hope Flair never returns because, at 59, he should move on.
  12. SlickWillie71

    SlickWillie71 Member

    I caught that as well, and had to rewind to make sure I was seeing that. Say what you want about VKM but for once, the WWE crushed one out of the park. I would love to have a photo of those in the ring, even more if it was autographed. That's a Raw that's not going anywhere off my Tivo. Surreal.....

    Nice to see Mickie James back and still smoking hot as ever.
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