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2008 Running Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    Orton would be above a stable like that. He might have his own Horsemen/Evolution style gang to help him keep the title, but that'd be it. Carlito would make sense except they've never gone to much trouble to make the connection to Carlos Colon on TV (I remember Carlito mentioning his dad wrestled on one of the Carlito's Cabana segments to some other second-generation wrestler, possibly Cody Rhodes, but that's the only time I recall it coming up).
  2. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Orton would be a champ trying to fend off their challenges is what I meant to imply.
  3. Tripp McNeely

    Tripp McNeely Member

    In case anyone wants to see it, there's some grainy video of the Flair ceremony that took place after RAW went off the air, including The Undertaker and Vince McMahon honoring the "Nature Boy."


    Great stuff.
  4. SlickWillie71

    SlickWillie71 Member

    Has anyone heard about an alleged incident involving Cena and The Rock? Someone told they went at it on Saturday night following the WWE Hall ceremonies. At the same time, I also heard that Cena had a run in with Kurt Angle and A.J. Styles that night as well.

    I do like the idea of getting some of those second-generation wrestlers together and forming some kind of stable (which is needed). Perhaps Flair could come back at some point and manage a group like that or develop a Horseman-like unit.
  5. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Rock's appearance was dissed by a lot of people, including many of the wrestlers. Thought he was too Hollywood now. Cena had apparently ripped him a few weeks ago and Rock used his time to rip back on Cena at the ceremony. Some thought his performance was disrespectful on a night when he was inducting his father and grandfather.

    I heard that several TNA wrestlers were around at the WWE Axxess stuff, but not sure of what actually happened. there was a rumor that Chavo Guerrero was at TNA Impact backstage, but it was denied by TNA wrestlers. Perhaps, though, if it was true that Kane's "8 second" win over Chavo was the reason for the squash at WM24?
  6. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Too Hollywood? WTF?
  7. Tripp McNeely

    Tripp McNeely Member

    Sounds like jealousy to me. Like someone else said, you know it's like a class reunion and you have that one person who became incredibly successful. Everyone else at the reunion acts nice, but hates that person for achieving the success they weren't able to. Anyone who thinks Cena, HHH or any wrestler out there wouldn't have made the same career move as Rock did is either naive or trying to fool the public. Let's see, make a million or so per year and risk devastating injuries while traveling all the time, OR make several millions more to film movies and not take bumps? Yeah, I'd like to be called "too Hollywood," too.
    From what I heard, Rock had to go long on his monologue because his dad wasn't ready to go onstage. So, Rock basically was ad-libbing up there, something he's very good at. Rock did make a comment to Cena, but quickly made a self-depracating comment back. If Cena whined about that, maybe he should've shut his fucking mouth before and learn how to make his wrestling look believable.
  8. WWE has a very weird internal culture where guys who want to do something BEYOND wrestling are seen as not committed.
  9. EmbassyRow

    EmbassyRow Active Member

    Perhaps he went to The Rock's School For Overselling The Shit Out of a Stunner.

    I liked Rock's immediate "I made Doom" rip on himself after zinging Cena, but for God's sake, Rock. You also made "The Game Plan." Shitty movie count: Rock at least 2, Cena 1.

    You can see where it almost looked like Rock was trying to upstage people. I could understand Cena being a trifle upset about that.
  10. Tripp McNeely

    Tripp McNeely Member

    I have a feeling the only reason Rock zinged John Cena is because Cena took an unprovoked shot at Rock a few weeks earlier. And the Rock became a far better worker in the ring than Cena has. I give Cena credit for being a great company man and a workhorse when it comes to PR stuff. But he wrestles about as awkwardly as a 15-year-old boy trying to undo the clasps on his girlfriend's bra.
    Oh, and by the way ...
    After a total of ten weeks in theaters, "The Marine" grossed $18.7 million domestically and $20,226,432 worldwide.
    "The Game Plan" produced a gross revenue worldwide of $114,887,472.

    I guess you could say "Southland Tales" bombed, but that was an ensemble cast that was released on a very limited basis. Rock was hardly meant to carry that movie. "Doom" grossed just over $28 million and that's the lowest of any of the movies that the Rock STARRED in.
  11. bostonbred

    bostonbred Guest

    I agree that Rock is a better in-ring worker than John Cena, but to say what you did about Cena is completely untrue and what the obnoxious wrestling fanbois want you to think.

    He's improved his work since entering the WWE and has had tremendous matches against Edge, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, Umaga, and Kurt Angle.
  12. Tripp McNeely

    Tripp McNeely Member

    Edge, HHH, Michaels and Angle could have tremendous matches with broomsticks. Umaga is very agile and underrated. Cena-Orton may have had some good matches, but I don't remember any classics.
    I don't need Cena to be Shawn Michaels or Kurt Angle ... but at least make your moves believable looking. His crossface (or STFU) is just silly looking. He doesn't ever put any pressure on the chin and it looks like his opponent's head could easily pop out of it, while Cena is making these orgasm faces like he's pulling with all his might.
    While I admit that I'm not a Cena fan, I don't despise him as much as some fans do.
    My main problem, on this thread, was the potshot he took at the Rock a few weeks ago. I felt he was way offbase and I don't feel he has earned the right to be calling out someone from "The Attitude Era" who helped pave the way for him.
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