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2008 Running Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. zebracoy

    zebracoy Guest

    With the clusterfuck that's going on right now on Raw, and the Edge/Undertaker thing continuing on SmackDown for now, it's hard to say.

    While it would be simple for Punk to grab the SmackDown title given the crossover, The Undertaker is supposed to finally be getting his long-awaited run with the title that was supposed to happen at this time last year. There's just too many people on the Raw side for there to be any kind of idea what's going on.
  2. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    I'm guessing if he does get the title, he'll lose it quickly -- like he beats the Raw or SD champ on the PPV, then loses it back on the next show.

    Problem is, I can't imagine him going over anyone in the main event legitimately. Cena, HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Batista, Edge, Orton, all bigger than Punk. Hell, he could end up losing the briefcase to someone like Kennedy or MVP.
  3. bostonbred

    bostonbred Guest

    Punk has a 0% chance of winning the WWE Title in the next year. Raw's too stacked, especially with faces. Batista will probably be headed over there soon, too.

    Smackdown's more realistic, but 'Taker's going to get a final extended run with gold. He would have last year too, if not for the unfortunate injury shortly after WrestleMania. Undertaker will likely feud with Edge, Umaga, JBL, Big Show, MVP, etc.

    I think Punk will be brooding for awhile, and eventually cash in way later in the year.
  4. Tripp McNeely

    Tripp McNeely Member

    Not sure how many of you followed Punk's career on the independent scene, but he's totally being miscast by WWE.
    I think he's being used wrong, just like Samoa Joe has been mishandled in TNA.

    First thing's first: CM Punk should be a heel. The guy is absolutely outstanding on the microphone and can have even the smartest of marks eating out of his hand. He can play the "straight edge" lifestyle both ways, making you hate him, or making you respect him. But WWE has tried turning him into some MMA-style fighter who rarely does interviews. He was a solid wrestler and could hang with Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Homicide, etc., etc. but he got over because of his character and his ability on the microphone.

    I thought WWE should've debuted him as a babyface for a few months, and then slowly turned him heel, playing off of his straight edge/I'm better than you attitude. He'd be a great villain and, eventually, a feud with John Cena or Triple H could draw big money based off their personalities alone. I think anyone who watched him in Ring of Honor or IWA-Mid South would agree.

    As for whether he'll win the title, I don't think he will nor do I think he should. Due to a number of reasons, he's not over at the level a WWE champion needs to be. He needs to be given much more microphone time so that fans can learn WHO CM Punk really is. If/when he gets that opportunity, WWE will have a new star on its hands.
  5. Petrie

    Petrie Guest

    The way Tripp makes Punk sound, would a Punk/Edge feud work? You have the straight edge vs. Rated-R Superstar bit, plus if Punk's good on the mic and can exhibit an I'm-better-than-you attitude, it could turn into a big game of one-upmanship between the two and possibly facilitate a slow heel turn for Punk down the road.

    Punk could just try to bait Edge with the briefcase, seeing as Edge has used the MITB to win 2 titles already...
  6. Tripp McNeely

    Tripp McNeely Member

    Especially if they allow Punk to get away from the MMA in-ring style and be more himself, they could also have some high quality matches in the ring. Punk vs. Edge on the mic? I'm dizzy thinking about the possibilities. :)
  7. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Until WWE lets wrestlers be themselves a bit more and not make them adapt to a "WWE style" you're never going to see guys like Punk and others who come from the indies/TNA be able to fully express their character.

    I think it's quite likely that either Punk will lose the MITB in a separate match or he'll have to settle for the ECW strap again (perhaps if Kane loses to Chavo at Backlash, Punk comes down the ramp and instantly cashes in).
  8. Rex Harrison

    Rex Harrison Member

    I'm afraid he'll lose it to a returning Jeff Hardy (if VKM gives him a third chance).
  9. Claws for Concern

    Claws for Concern Active Member

    Or make it up to Kennedy for last year's stuff and let him win it away from Punk.
  10. HandsomeHarley

    HandsomeHarley Well-Known Member

    Read into this what you want. From wrestlingoberserver.com:

    --There was an ad running in the U.K. and Ireland pushing the new WWE CD noting one of the songs is the theme for current world champion Chris Jericho (thanks to Shane Browne)

    Knowking McMahon, if this was the plan and it got out, it no longer will be the plan.
  11. Tripp McNeely

    Tripp McNeely Member

    I could definitely see that happening.
  12. Tripp McNeely

    Tripp McNeely Member

    If it was in the plans, then it should be scrapped because Jericho has been a huge disappointment (to me, at least) since his return. His promos are stale and he just seems to be going through the motions. I'm not sure why he even came back, unless he was just hurting for money.
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