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2010 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. It would be nice if they used last night's segments as an opportunity to make people take Santino a bit more seriously again.
  2. ucacm

    ucacm Active Member

    I think they're headed for a Koslov/Santino team a la "Head Cheese" with Steve Blackman/Al Snow.
  3. I just thought it looked a little wierd to have a guy, Santino, who I am used to being in the forefront of jokes, all of a sudden beating the hell out of someone, and leading the chase out of the building.
  4. podunk press

    podunk press Active Member

    I'm pissed this went from being good to laughable so fast.

    The other thing: I'm really, really having a hard time accepting Orton as a face. Maybe it's just a personal thing, but it's just strange to hear him, of all people, call a bunch of wrestlers "punks." He's really over with the crowd though, so maybe I'm in the minority.
  5. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    I still don't get it.

    Apart from booking him vs. Sheamus, the WWE hasn't done a damn thing to change him into a face. He's still doing the same shit he did when he was a monster heel but people are cheering for him now. It's odd.
  6. Petrie

    Petrie Guest

    1. He went against Rhodes/DiBiase. That alone makes the fans happy.
    2. Especially in the TV-PG era, there is a market for an absolute badass to be cheered. This has happened before... :D
  7. bbnews60

    bbnews60 Member

    I finally watched Raw on DVR today. I have a sinking feeling Vince McMahon is somehow involved with the limo attack.
  8. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Not really odd. Some fans were cheering for him when he was leading Legacy. And both Austin and Rock were in the 'act like a heel, but get cheered' role for a while. Eventually, they became more full-fledged babyfaces.

    In Foleys' second book, he talked about advising Rock on acting more like a face because the fans would eventually get tired of cheering a heel. Rock admitted that because of his Rocky Maivia failure, he was hesitant to act like a face, but eventually he did.
  9. Ilmago

    Ilmago Guest

    random notes:

    Bret said "WWF" (again)

    Miz took a wicked Morrison clothesline to the larynx and had to cover up

    Kozlov in ref shirt: badass

    Feuerstein in sweat-drenched shirt: no

    Did Lawler call the NXT invaders "Radicalz" on purpose?

    Great episode! Writing is on fire! I'm not overly hyped about the F4W PPV, though. Are any of you?
  10. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    They repeated the Radicalz thing later in the show, too.

    Why they're choosing to do that is beyond me. After all, two of the original four are dead.
  11. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    And one of them's Perry Saturn

    Bryniel Daniebryanson said he's available for independent bookings and that "this isn't the time", presumably a comment regarding when he'll speak out about his dismissal. I still smell work, even if it's a Pillman shoot (you may recall that they walked the line so tightly that Bischoff actually legitimately fired him to further the angle ... only to see Pillman sign with WWE. Kinda like the Carlos Boozer drama when he went from Cleveland to Utah).

    If it were anyone besides Danielson or Wade Barrett, nobody would notice. ZOMG THEY LEGIT FIRED MICHAEL TARVER LET US MARCH ON STAMFORD WE SHALL OVERCOME NO SHITTY MIDCARD WRESTLER NO PEACE. But since it's Danielson, the internet is up in chins. Er, arms.
  12. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Let's hope not. The last time they did that it blew up in his face.
    What's Rikishi up to these days? They could pin it on him.
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