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2010 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Are they really calling themselves the NWO?
  2. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    You do realize that is trademarked by WWE, don't you?
  3. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Yes. But every recap I've read and the post I quoted called them the nWo. Don't really know if that's their real name or not.
  4. SportsGuyBCK

    SportsGuyBCK Active Member

    Jeff Hardy indicted on drug charges by grand jury ...

    More at:

  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Predictions for tonight's Raw:

    Mike Tyson will be hanging out with the Bellas, and punch out Jericho, who's going to keep trying to stay on the show.
  6. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    Also, he'll teach Hornswoggle how to box so he can defend himself from Triple H's next prank.
  7. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Anybody know RAW's ratings from last week?
  8. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Shouldn't Tyson try to eat Hornswoggle?
  9. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    They were pretty good, at least by recent standards. 3.62 for Raw, 1.44 for Impact. But Meltzer said it was a disappointing number for Raw, and in fact the Hogan/nWo/Bischoff segment pulled a 1.8 versus a 3.7 for Raw, which had the 12-years-in-the-making Bret-HBK confrontation, so you'd expect that to have gotten a much higher rating.
  10. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    More likely Chavo.
  11. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Minus the Bellas, I called the final result of this show. Maybe I should be a WWE writer or something.

    I wish they would have figured out a better way for Tyson to turn on Jericho rather just take a T-shirt off. I guess they can explain it like DX put Tyson up to invite Jericho on RAW just so they could mess up his mind again. In a way, it makes sense, but eventually, Jericho is going to have to get the best of DX again, or any interest in this feud will die out pretty quickly, if it hasn't already.

    The Miz/MVP segment was very strong by both guys. Miz has done a heck of a job making me care about the U.S. title again, and his JBL impression was fantastic.

    Vince stating that Bret will never be in the WWE again is pretty predictable, knowing that at some point, Hart will appear again. I thought it would have made sense having either the Hart Dynasty, or even Jim Neidhart himself come down and interrupt Vince, but I guess they're trying to have a few low-key weeks to extend the program to Wrestlemania.

    The three-way match was pretty strong. I'm intrigued by an Orton/Sheamus match. I figure the fans will cheer for Orton for the night, since he is more established.

    All in all, it was a decent Raw, although if the last 20 minutes or so could have been a little better, it would have been a spectacular Raw.
  12. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    The Miz promo ... was ... AWESOME!
    Loved how he started in the back and worked his way out to the ring. Gave a different feel to what could have been a pretty standard promo. This guy just keeps getting better and better on the mic. A Miz-Jericho feud down the line would be entertaining as hell. Even the Miz-Cena feud they have to revisit at some point should be pretty damn good.

    Like the idea of Orton-Sheamus, too. Been a while since I can recall a heel vs. heel feud for the title. And it was a nice swerve from what seemed like an inevitable Sheamus-Cena rematch.
    It also puts some unpredictability on the Rumble/WM main event.
    HBK could win it and seal his rematch with Undertaker.
    Cena could win it and set up Orton-Cena, Take 1,000,000.
    HHH could win it and challenge Undertaker, leading to the DX breakup.
    Kofi could win, Sheamus could retain, and we get an out of left field title match at WM.
    Some other oddball from Smackdown (Punk? Morrison?) could win it and start a feud on that end.
    Lots of different directions they can go here.
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