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2010 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    The T-shirt reveal is a callback to how Tyson turned on HBK by revealing an Austin shirt under his DX shirt.

    Raw was underwhelming outside of the Miz-MVP segment (and MVP did a pretty good job rehabilitating his character, which has struggled most of last year with losing, the "who cares?" angle with the The View woman and his boring-as-hell team with Mark Henry). I like Jericho as much as anyone else, but either figure out a way to put him on Raw (or both shows) for good, or move on. He's got to get ready for his feud with the returning Edge, so they need to set the wheels in motion for that.

    Vince is making what should be a pretty hot angle with Bret into something fairly predictable. There's nothing to separate his hatred for Bret with that of, say, Trump or HHH or Hornswaggle.

    Three-way felt flat in spots. Was DiBiase off having a wank when it was his time to interfere? Timing seemed off the whole match, and Cena's first interaction with Kingston should have been a bigger deal (though having Kofi in the three-way with two of Raw's top stars makes him look good.

    Sheamus-Orton sounds fine in theory, but heel-heel matches (especially when one of them is green and unestablished) are always hard to pull off. It'll be the third biggest match on the card between Taker-Batista/Rey and the Rumble, but still. Something tells me this ends up being a 3-way with Cena involved.
  2. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    See, I think that's why they can keep it a one-on-one match. It's not the match selling the PPV, the Rumble is. I see it as a tryout of sorts for Sheamus. If he does well, he might hold the belt until WM. This belt is almost destined for the 3-way slot anyway. If Sheamus stinks it up, they can always take the belt off him in the elimination chamber in February and go in a different direction.
    There's only one thing I can't figure out about Sheamus. Every time he comes out, he has a look on his face that says he's in over his head. It's convincing because, really, he is. A wrestler with his experience has no business being where he is. Plus, it's not like he's getting a ton of TV matches in the interim to hone his skills. So I can't tell if that look is an act, or real. If it's an act, I like it. If it's real it's quite disappointing.
  3. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Good call on the DX T-shirt. I knew that, but still, I thought they should have made a better explanation of Tyson's switch.

    I can definitely see your point on the Vince/Bret thing. If Bret would have come out that week as an unannounced surprise, it would have been fantastic. Even if the Dynasty came out, it would have been cool. I can't help but think that this had been planned as a 2-month thing and because of TNA bringing in Hogan, that they decided to bring Bret in for 4 months, and they'll be struggling to come up with some stuff.
  4. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    The Punchout references in the first segment had me cracking up, didn't really watch it after that.
  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    I liked those too, although I'm sure half the audience had no clue what the hell Cena was talking about.
  6. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    It is a callback ... but the other way around. HBK tore off Tyson's shirt on Raw, revealing a DX shirt ... Tyson turned on HBK after Hebner was knocked out and slid into the ring for the 1-2-3 count.
  7. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    Did he not do the Austin-under-the-DX shirt at Wrestlemania? I couldn't remember if it was one, the other or both, but definitely that it happened.

    It would have helped had it not taken five minutes for Tyson to take the first shirt off, because for as predictable as the finish was (you could see a black shirt underneath his first shirt), when he tried to pull it over his head, you immediately saw neon green.
  8. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    No, afterwards Austin gave him a 3:16 shirt (which he has on his shoulder in the pic below) to put on, but Tyson still had the DX shirt on when he did the 3 count.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  9. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    He tried to rip it down the middle, a la Hogan, but failed miserably. It was funny watching him try to tear the shirt.
  10. NatureBoy

    NatureBoy Member

    That Miz-MVP promo reminded me of when Rock and HHH feuded over the IC title way back when. You could tell both guys had the potential for bigger and better things. I'm hoping there's a bright future for both Miz and MVP (and considering MVP is 36 years old, I hope it comes quick).
  11. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    MVP is 36? Holy cow.
  12. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure about MVP - I think he's had so many pushes and aborted pushes that the audience might not be totally behind him. But the Miz is awesome, and although he's not as great in the ring, I liken him to Jericho. I think he eventually gets so popular as a heel that he becomes a face.
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