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2010 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. beanpole

    beanpole Member

    When they announced six of the seven members of Cena's team and then had the huge pregnant pause before Hitman came out ... I was SURE that it was going to be Trips.
  2. HandsomeHarley

    HandsomeHarley Well-Known Member

    As much as I can't stand the guy, I was thinking Trips, too. And was actually a little disappointed it wasn't.

    Trips and the sledge hammer. The great equalizer.

    Of course, when Khali came out, I walked away from the TV. Way to blow the fucking wad, Vince.
  3. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    I knew it wasn't coming, especially in that spot, but right up until Cena introduced his team I was thinking it might be a heel turn. When he was talking about needing help, and they kept cutting back and forth between Cena on the ramp and Nexus in the ring, I was waiting for the Nexus guys to quietly drop back around Barrett and circle him (more like they were shifting positions than gearing for an attack). Then Cena says something like, "I've got my help. Get him!" And the Nexus turns on Barrett as Cena takes the leadership role.
    Again, I realize this isn't an angle to burn the Cena heel card on. Nor was that the right spot to do it. It would've been cool to see, though.
  4. CitizenTino

    CitizenTino Active Member

    According to Dave Meltzer, injuries forced some changes to the Cena team and the top Raw matches for SummerSlam. The Bret Hart spot was supposed to go to Ricky Steamboat, but he's obviously unavailable now. Also, Triple H was supposed to return for SS, but he's not ready to go yet. Had he been cleared, he was scheduled to face Sheamus (which makes sense because that's who took him out a few months ago), and Orton was supposed to be on the Cena team.

    By the way, I'd be stunned if that Cena team stays as is all the way through to the PPV, especially with Evan Bourne sitting there, just waiting to fill a spot.
  5. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    That'd be interesting, but not only would that not be where you do the Cena turn, it's also too early to think of turning Barrett, who has quickly become one of the top heels in WWE.

    If Nexus wins at SS, then it'll probably be because of a traitor, either in the match or outside it (Cole, McMahon, someone we're not thinking of), and the storyline will build accordingly from that. If Cena's team wins, I could see Nexus turning on one or two of the lesser lights of their team (Tarver? Slater? Young?) and replacing them (ideally with season two NXT folks such as Kaval and Husky Harris).

    Perhaps a Survivor Series match involving Nexus (Barrett, Gabriel, Otunga, Sheffield, Tarver, Kaval, Harris) vs. NXT (season two guys plus Slater and Young, both of whom work better as faces anyway [and Watson was Young's tag team partner in FCW, so a ready-made angle after Nexus runs its course]). On the other hand, if the SummerSlam match is elimination rules, a Survivor Series match would be overkill.
  6. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Survivor Series is gone, anyway. They did away with it when they reconjugured the PPV lineup earlier this year. I could see Nexus as a third group at the Bragging Rights PPV, though.
  7. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    They brought it back. Or they cancelled its cancellation. In any event, SurSer is back on.
  8. JoJo

    JoJo Member

    I want Triple H to come back and align himself with Nexus for two reasons:

    1. I like him much better as a heel than a face.
    2. I'm afraid if he comes back to fight Nexus that he will bury them. :(
  9. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    I can't imagine any circumstance in which Triple H doesn't make his return by feuding with Sheamus, since that's how he got written out.

    Kayfabe time: Why would Cena plan for weeks to build this team and have it include Edge and Jericho, who minutes earlier were fighting over which one Nexus would align with?
  10. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Maybe those two were messing with Nexus? Or maybe he'd been recruiting for weeks and didn't want to reveal himself until he had the full team, and those were the last two spots to be filled.
  11. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    Perhaps, but you'd think they'd figure out a way to do it that doesn't get them their asses kicked (or Jericho putting Edge in the Walls).

    How do they explain Bret Hart, last seen being fired by Vincent Kennedy a few weeks ago, showing up as a competitor? Does McMahon's latest departure reverse any decisions he made (Drew McIntyre's most favored nation status)?
  12. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    I suppose you could just explain it away as, since Vince isn't there, Teddy Long or anonymous GM is free to hire or fire whoever they want without his input.
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