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2010 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Dule Hill sold that slap from Alicia quite well.
  2. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Damn good promo by Cena tonight. One of the best I can remember in a long time.

    Overall, not a great RAW but with this whole guest host angle, there will be weeks like this. Can't wait for the Hart storyline to play out, that one has me salivating.
  3. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    i love how they keep teasing a dx split. don't know who i'd rather see as a heel if they eventually feud. both have been great heels in their careers.
  4. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    I'd almost rather see Michaels as the heel. Except for that brief program with Hogan, Michaels has been a babyface ever since he made his comeback.

    Only thing is, HHH is a better heel. It is hard to drum up sympathy for him.
  5. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    They're not teasing a split, they're just doing the whole "it's every man for himself at the Royal Rumble!" schtick they always do. If they decide DX is old hat, they'll have them go their separate ways and do more serious stuff, but I think they want to have DX as an option when they do so, because their merchandise sells fast.
  6. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    DX isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. They'll tease the split, have HBK and HHH in the same match at Elimination Chamber and, by the time they're ready to really focus on Mania, it'll all be forgotten.

    I'd like to see HBK stay a face as I think it's much, much more interesting to have a face Taker vs. a face HBK at Mania (It splits the crowd in half by not dictating who to root for) but I wouldn't be surprised to see HBK go the heel road. It's the only way he can lose again and not have it come off poorly, IMO.

    I'd be surprised if Taker jobbed at Mania but, then again, if they're EVER going to have him lose, Michaels is the one who is going to beat him. I think last year's match really showed he's the only person the fans will root for against Taker at Mania and there's a part of me that bets he's the only person Taker would lay down for.

    BTW, on a completely random note, the WWE is releasing a new theme CD Thursday. I noticed Santino's theme ONCE AGAIN isn't on it. Anyone have an MP3 version I can download? I want to put it on my phone but can't find a good one anywhere.
  7. Rumpleforeskin

    Rumpleforeskin Active Member

    One of my friends passed me this thread on the WrestleZone forums, but it seems like a botch between Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston might have completely fudged an angle the WWE was pursuing.

  8. I usually tend to think wrestline fans get a little over-imaginative with some of these things, but something definately went awry in that match, with the was Orton reacted. I figured something was up when he kept yelling stupid and how the RKO looked a lot more dangerous than normal with the way it was delivered. But if they wanted to get Kofi off camera for a period of time, couldn't they have just set something up in the back with Kofi getting punted there? Seems easily fixable to me.
  9. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    Watching the video and reading the thread, I'm more confused than anything. I'm not sure what supposedly went wrong. But then, I also don't get a lot of the jargon they use on those forums, so that isn't helping.
  10. zebracoy

    zebracoy Guest

    Me either. I think this is the clip...

    ...and it looks a little off. Not only does he yell "stupid, stupid!" after trying to push him back to the ground, but you can also see him walking away going "You fucked it up!"

  11. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    I guess they are saying Orton was supposed to end the match with a big kick to the head and he lost his temper when Kingston didn't stay in position for it, so he was forced to do his regular finishing move instead.

    I guess I can buy that that *might* be what happened. But they then theorize that this kick was supposed to put Kingston out for a few weeks and now they don't have an excuse to pull him off TV, thus forcing the writers to rearrange their plans for the Rumble? I don't get that, because they could pull him off TV for a few weeks for almost any reason imaginable.
  12. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    Towards the end of that match, Kofi was either supposed to take the punt or (and I think Meltzer or Alvarez said this) supposed to dodge the punt, try for Trouble in Paradise only to miss and then get RKO'd. But he got up too quickly and it appeared he didn't know a punt/punt attempt was the next move.

    The video doesn't show it, but right before it started, DiBiase was WAY late getting to the ring to push Kofi off of Orton, which appears to have been a DiBiase botch. Perhaps this was an accumulation of factors that got Orton pissed off. Or perhaps he really was supposed to deliver the punt and have Kofi stretchered out and gone for a long time, and now they're having to scramble. But Kofi got a pin against Legacy on Raw last week and the Miz (albeit with MVP distraction to further that feud) last night, so it doesn't look like he's getting punished too harshly.

    One other thing: I'm not sure how much control Orton has over the stiffness of his RKO. It certainly looked stiff, but that's not a move he can do without a LOT of cooperation from the guy taking it. If he isn't ready (or just says fuck it, I'm not taking it), Orton ends up flying into space. Like
    , for example.
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