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2010 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Easy money says Sheamus (or whoever wins the EC). He's fought Undertaker at Wrestlemania before, plus it's like Edge to pick on what he'd perceive to be the weakest champion.
    Anybody else like my idea of Michaels winning the Smackdown elimination chamber and then forcing the Undertaker to challenge HIM?
  2. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Problem with that is you've got figure Sheamus or Taker would get their rematch before Mania and that would lessen the amount of time you had to develop a real, true Mania feud.
  3. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    *swipes it back*
  4. Petrie

    Petrie Guest

    Like the finish. I saw an Edge sign and thought, 'Maybe he comes in at 30 and throws Jericho out.' Then he comes in at 29, throws Jericho out and wins the Rumble.

    If Christian was holding the WWE belt or Goldie, I could see Edge challenging him. But this *has* to be a face return after Jericho was dogging him so bad, right? There's a lot of history with Taker, but it seems like Edge likes being a RAW guy...so who knows? Maybe they give him a break until after EC to rest up/recover more, then he picks a champ then.

    As for HBK, there's always MITB. Just a thought...
  5. billikens

    billikens Member

    While Edge looked fine, and healed, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't wrestle again until Wrestlemania.
  6. Petrie

    Petrie Guest

    That's fair...
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Have him win it and then cash in the same night against a weakened Undertaker?
    It'd be cheap, but if they're turning HBK heel it might fit with that track.
  8. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    I'd be surprised if he did fight before Mania. Very surprised. It's one thing to come back, spear a couple guys and lay in the corner of the ring for 20 minutes before basically just throwing a guy over the top rope. It's quite another to return to active competition seven months after an injury like that.

    Either way, I'm impressed. I hope it's Edge vs. Jericho. That'll be a hell of a match if Edge is 100% by the time of Mania.
  9. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    The problem with that thinking is Michaels vs. Taker II is being billed as an instant classic, to do something like that would cheapen it.
  10. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    I'd like to see Edge disappear until EC, where he shows up, costs Taker the title to Jericho and calls him out at Mania right there and then.
  11. littlehurt98

    littlehurt98 Member

    What about HBK facing HHH? Based on the last few weeks things have been a little less than perfect in DX land. I'm just saying, it is certainly a thought.
  12. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Plus, I don't think they'd like 'Taker's WM streak to end on a fluke.
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