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2010 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    That was, by far, the worst "acting" I've seen in a wrestling subplot in at least three years, TNA excluded.

    Jesus, why not just have Batista attack Hart and Cena and take out Hart's leg?
  2. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Please explain what's going on....

  3. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Khali was right: That was a giant waste of time.

    Good grief, Charlie Brown.
  4. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    The sad thing is, before that segment aired I told my fiancee "Jillian is going to be pregnant with Santino's baby". I was a touch off but made up for it because I called Hornswoggle being the "father" and called Mae Young coming out and making out with Springer.

    Stupid, stupid, stupid segment but I'm alright with it because it was lame in a good way. I'm alright with them being ridiculously over the top when they admit they are.
  5. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    What gets me about tonight is there was no sign of Springer until the second hour kicked off with that lame shit. That and there were only two matches in the first hour.
  6. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Maybe they want to hedge their bets in case Hart can't physically go at WM.

    And yeah, that whole Springer segment was pretty predictable. It had its amusing moments, but I figured Mae was going to come out.

    Inoki in the Hall is interesting. It would be huge if Ali inducted him, but they would probably need someone else to make the speech. I could see Ali being an honored guest, though.
  7. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    What a horrible Raw. Some decent stuff, like some of the actual wrestling, although that was full of crappy finishes. But it was totally negated by the Springer skit, which dragged on forever and wasn't funny AND have Mae Young, and the horrible Bret Hart angle. How the hell did the WWE screw all of that up so easily???
  8. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Simple. It's the last RAW before the EC, which is the last PPV before Mania. They can't really kick start their Mania storylines (Which is why the whole Batista thing is being promoted for next week) and they don't really have anything but the EC matches themselves worth watching at the PPV. That leaves them with two hours to fill and not a whole hell of a lot to put there.

    The Hart thing would have been fine had they tried some other way to do it. The whole "off-camera" accident thing is so 1995. Wrestling fans just don't buy that crap anymore. You knew they were going to do something lame like that when they kept following Hart but, still, it was amazingly bad.

    Also, anyone else find it funny that Lawler deadpanned "Cena vs. HHH? Did you ever expect to see that as a main event on Raw?"

    Jerry, we all expect it, at least once every three months. Shit, the two just fought each other a few storylines ago. How bad is your memory?
  9. podunk press

    podunk press Active Member

    Horrible Raw.

    Three things really bothering me:

    1. I had such high hopes for Bret Hart's return, and it's just not going well. First of all, he's not selling this Vince angle one bit. He just seems to be mailing it in. Second, it seems so strange that The New Hart Foundation keeps plugging away on SmackDown without any mention of Bret being around on Raw. Wouldn't it have made more sense for those guys to bid Bret farewell in that segment, instead of the likes of Jack Swagger and Evan Bourne?

    2. The Springer crap was horrible. I did enjoy King's comment about how "Khali probably has no idea what's going on."

    3. If we're having to turn to the likes of Jewel to guest host, it's time to put an end to guest hosting altogether. It was a cool idea. It had some good moments. But it's grown tired.
  10. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    1.) Vince clearly doesn't think the Hart Foundation is ready for prime time, so to speak, and I agree with him. Granted, the fact that they're not even being mentioned, at all, by him/with him is odd but still, I'm taking that as a Vince doesn't have confidence in them quite yet type angle.

    2.) Best comment was by Khali's manager. "Much like most of this audience, Khali thinks that was a waste of time".

    3.) Completely agree but Jewel is no worse than Cedric the Entertainer. She's going to be atrocious, no doubt, but CTE, Verne Troyer, every NASCAR guy thus far, Piven and Heder set the bar pretty freaking low to begin with. In fact, I'd be willing to be there are more bad guest hosts than good ones at this point.
  11. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    The whole thing with Bret was so damned obvious because you could see the car's reverse lights on when the camera panned to Hart getting in the limo. That was bad timing by the diva or whoever was driving that car and *didn't* see that big, back limo sitting two feet behind her. I had extremely high hopes for Bret's return, and it's been utterly disappointing thus far.
  12. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    I'm still optimistic about the Hart angle because it's clear that right now they brought him back way too early to be effective at building a lasting story for Mania. He should have guest hosted at the beginning of this month and had his Batista-Cena moment today. That way you'd have four weeks to build a solid feud and could culminate it with a WM match people wanted to see.

    Fact is, I don't think it's going to all that great because, as we said, Bret isn't the Bret we remember and, honestly, I fear he is going to look closer to Piper than Steamboat in the ring come Mania time.
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