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2010 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. Tommy_Dreamer

    Tommy_Dreamer Well-Known Member

    I would've bought it if they had done an angle involving Bret needing someone to champion his cause for a Mania match with Vince.

    Batista could've come down and threatened to beat Bret up and then only to turn around and have Edge come in and make the save. Since Edge is Canadian, that'd work. At least I would've thought. Then Edge beats Batista setting up the Mania match. Now they've really screwed things up.

    I now think it's going to be Batista/Vince vs. Cena/Hart at Mania, it ends with a double sharpshooter or something, that way Cena gets to look good again in a big Mania moment.

    Oh, and Raw really sucked.
  2. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Raw was about as bad as it gets.

    I still think they can save this Hart-McMahon feud but it's going to take some serious work. This isn't 1999 anymore, you need a more sophisticated storyline than what this is turning out to be.

    That being said, I'm optimistic about Mania. As long as we don't get a HHH vs. Sheamus match as the main event and as long as Hart and McMahon don't shit themselves in the ring, it should be a damn good PPV.
  3. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    The one part of the Springer segment that I found funny was when Springer mentioned that Kelly Kelly was older than Lawler's typical conquests.

    And yeah, the whole Hart getting run over by a car thing was cheesy, to say the least. It really is difficult to keep a storyline going for three months without the two guys actually getting in the ring. This is where the Hart Dynasty would have made sense, to fill in the dead spots.
  4. tadwriter

    tadwriter Member

    Also, as to the BAD, BAD, BAd Raw last night, don't forget that they are up against the Olympics, with some USA'ers vieing for medlas during the show. Have to admit that my attention was on Vancouver, not Des Moines.
  5. printdust

    printdust New Member

    Vince's profits are up 11 percent but he's borrowing an idea from the newspaper business: three script writers were on furlough for this scene.
  6. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    My wife said the same thing about Hornswoggle. And she doesn't even watch wrestling, just listens to it while I watch (our computer is in the same room as the TV).
    I expect to see that segment on Wrestlecrap sometime in the very near future.

    On another note, does anyone know who the woman driving the car was? It didn't look like one of the divas. I saw on one site someone thought it was Shawn Michaels' wife, but it was hard to tell.
    Given how stale that angle is, I'm surprised it wasn't Rikishi.
  7. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    It was a blonde woman. I didn't recognize her, but Michaels' wife is a blonde.

    Wouldn't that be an interesting twist to have Shawn's wife injuring Bret, either by accident or on purpose?
  8. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that was this person's conspiracy theory. That they're really working toward a Michaels-Hart match at Wrestlemania. It would be very, VERY disappointing if that happens and would involve flushing the past month of storylines. But I wouldn't put anything past Vince McMahon.
  9. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't necessarily view Hart vs. HBK as a waste of time, but it probably would be a waste of HBK's talent at this point. Yeah, he could probably make Hart look decent enough - If he can get an A+ match out of a 700-year-old Flair, I'm guessing he can get something B+ out of Hart in some sort of street fight or submission hold match. However, I'd rather see him in an actual match, even if it is an Undertaker rematch.
  10. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    My thoughts exactly. Whatever Hart does is an undercard side show that main events the first hour. Whatever HBK does -- whether it's a match with HHH or Undertaker, the two most likely scenarios at this point -- is a match that sells the PPV. Putting him in there with Hart would certainly work at a different PPV, but not Wrestlemania. And not THIS Wrestlemania, not with the direction they've gone with him since the Rumble.
  11. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Anything less than HBK vs. Taker is going to be a letdown. Plain and simple. They've teased it too much.

    I don't doubt HBK vs. HHH could be good. Hell, HBK vs. Cena or Batista or just about anyone not named Hart would be solid but, at this point, people want and expect a rematch from last year.
  12. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    So, at this point, what do you think the WM card looks like?
    I got ...
    ShowMiz vs. Henry/MVP, or just Miz vs. MVP (for the tag or US belts)
    Hart/Cena vs. McMahon/Batista
    A token Divas match
    McIntyre vs. ??? (for the IC belt)
    Orton vs. Dibiase
    HBK vs. Undertaker
    Edge vs. ???

    No idea yet who Edge goes against. There's plenty of possibilities (Jericho, Undertaker, HHH) but nothing obvious until after EC. I could even see Edge in a three-way match with Undertaker and HBK. Say HBK wins the belt this Sunday, and forces Taker to face him. Edge says he wants Michaels, and we end up with that as the main event and something like HHH-Sheamus for the other belt.
    Obviously, we'll probably figure all of this out by 11:05 p.m. Sunday.
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