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2010 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. HandsomeHarley

    HandsomeHarley Well-Known Member

    Anytime we can get a title on Jericho and off Cena, I'm down with that.
  2. Petrie

    Petrie Guest

    So far on RAW...
    -Y2J comes to the ring and gloats about winning (more classic Jericho than the recent, downer-induced version). Edge's music comes on, he comes through the crowd, spears him, chooses him for his WM challenge and leaves. The whole Edge sequence took about 30 seconds.
    -Cena tries to invoke his rematch clause. Vinnie Mac tells him Sheamus also has a rematch clause, and Batista won't defend his title until WM *but* if Cena wins his match tonight, he can challenge Batista at WM for the strap. His match will be against...Batista.
    -Legacy promo, yadda yadda...they have a match against Kofi/Bourne/Yoshi Tatsu. Rhodes tags himself in, but Orton gives him the DDT through the ropes when he tries to enter. Orton starts to walk off, DiBiase tries to make him explain what's going on. Orton RKOs DiBiase, then finishes walking off.
    -HBK/Taker is official...streak vs. career.

    Currently Christian/Carlito in a MITB qualifying match...and they say MITB will be at WM. I'm confused...
  3. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Glad to see the MITB match isn't gone. That was a pleasant surprise for sure.
    Divas bullriding was also some nice eye candy.
  4. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Anything else happen tonight?
  5. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Also, why was Jericho on Raw? I thought he was gone from Raw when he and Show lost the tag straps?
  6. CitizenTino

    CitizenTino Active Member

    I think Jericho was on Raw so they could establish Edge is going after him right away, clearing the way for the Raw title picture to sort itself out.

    Gotta say, after tonight, this is the most fired up I've been for a WM since Rock-Austin in 2001. Edge-Jericho, UT-HBK 2 and Cena-Batista.

    Please, WWE, don't screw this up.
  7. Rusty Shackleford

    Rusty Shackleford Active Member

    Two things I noticed -- 1) Maybe it was my HD, but Taker looked like he'd just had a hotdog or something, because there was yellow stuff smeared all around his mouth on closeups. Like he'd had a lot of mustard and couldn't find a napkin before heading out to the ring. 2) Batista has some nasty scars. He's got a big one right up his midsection that's particularly gruesome looking.
  8. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    Taker looked like some 5-year-old had smeared a handful of dandelions on his face.
  9. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    OK, I'm totally marking out for Mania right now. As soon as they announced the MITB qualifying match, I fist-pumped, that's how lame I am. I love that match and they should NEVER get rid of it. It is and should always be the opening match to Mania. Love it.
  10. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    I'm just glad that Jewel showed up and brought two of her friends with her:

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
  11. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    You mean that they don't keep the brand splits apart? Say it ain't so!

    (and BTW, why was Batista on Raw? I thought he was a Smackdown wrestler too.)

    Some other random thoughts:

    I'm excited about 'Taker/Michaels 2. Only thing that would fuck it up would be if Undertaker beats Michaels again, then Michaels 'retires' for a few months then comes back.

    Last night's Cena/Batista ending sucked. A kick in the crotch is a DQ? Really? What year is this, 1975? Why is it legal for Flair to jam his arm up a wrestler's crotch, but it's not OK to kick a guy there? A better ending would have been for Cena and Sheamus to battle for the WM No. 1 contender's spot, with Cena winning. Would have made more sense, and given the main event spot an extra dose of prestige.

    Last night would have been a good night for MVP/Henry to take the tag straps, even for a couple of weeks. They keep losing, and they're credibility as top contenders is shot to hell.

    Saw the end of Jericho's win in the EC, thanks to a feed. One thing that bugged me was the announcers talking about the winners of the EC going to Wrestlemania. They're still 30-plus days to go until the event. I know it's scripted, but why don't the announcers just tell all the fans not to bother with any title matches on TV or at house shows until WM, since we now know the title won't have the slightest chance of changing hands?

    What happened to Jewel where she needed crutches?

    Bret/Vince is really starting to annoy me. Vince messed up by having Bret host the Jan. 4 Raw because having a three-month buildup has sucked the life out of what should be a red-hot program. This is where the Hart Dynasty should be filling in the gaps, and Vince should enlist his own guys (Miz/Big Show) to represent him until Bret returns. Nope.

    I was glad to see Wendi Richter get inducted into the Hall. Her speech should be interesting, to say the least. She might get a few digs in on Moolah.
  12. mpcincal

    mpcincal Well-Known Member

    Oh, yes, the victim of the Original Screwjob:


    <<The Original Screwjob
    In 1985, after losing and then regaining the title from rival Leilani Kai at the inaugural WrestleMania, Richter was scheduled to defend her women's title at Madison Square Garden on November 25 of that same year against a mysterious masked opponent known only as The Spider Lady. Moments into the match, The Spider Lady broke from the pre-scripted events and pinned Richter's shoulders to the mat. The referee—who was in on the plan—delivered a swift three count, despite Richter kicking out after a count of one. Richter ignored the bell and continued to attack the Spider, unmasking the new champion to reveal that it was The Fabulous Moolah in disguise.

    It was reported that the plan to rid Richter of the title was concocted by WWF Chairman Vince McMahon, who brought in Moolah after Richter refused to sign a new contract with the WWF. Richter, however, claims she was still under her original five year contract, but that she regularly had disagreements with McMahon about her compensation. She also claims that when she arrived at the arena that day, she was surprised to find Moolah backstage, as she never showed up to events for which she was not scheduled to wrestle. After the match, an infuriated Richter left the arena in her wrestling gear, took a cab to the airport, and booked herself on a flight out of New York. Afterward, she never spoke to either McMahon or Moolah again.>>
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