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2010 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Good Cena-Batista promo too. Not sure how good the match will be (their match at Summerslam when Cena hurt his neck was pretty good), but the build-up has been phenomenal.

    Now for a gripe. Misters Lawler and Cole ... its SHOWMIZ! SHOWMIZ! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IT'S SHOWMIZ! NOT MIZSHOW!
    The only time they've been referred to as MizShow (which doesn't even make sense) is when these dumbasses call them that.
  2. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    Yep, this is shaping up to be a set up by the Hitman.
  3. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    The last half-hour of Raw was lame, although it was a nicely done surprise to have Sheamus come from the crowd and attack HHH. The camera was on Michaels leaving and from a long distance, you see some guy hopping over the barricade. I thought it was some nutty fan for half a second.

    The Bret/Vince thing sucked, frankly. As it was said earlier, we didn't need a fake car accident.

    To me, the segment would have been better if, after knocking the crutch away from Bret, Vince strutted around the ring. Bret pretends to be hurt, then hops up, grabs the crutch, waffles Vince from behind, then stands over him and yells out, "I lied to you too. See you at Wrestlemania!"

    And why was Michaels so distracted by seeing the Undertaker on the Titantron. It looked like the video either froze, or something. Taker was just staring from the screen. Cheesy ending.
  4. HandsomeHarley

    HandsomeHarley Well-Known Member

    I half expect Bret Hart, during his Wrestlemania match with Vince, to peel off the cast and beat the hell out of McMahon, revealing the car accident as a set-up to get Vinny Mac into the ring.

    If it doesn't, count me in as saying they fucked up this angle royally.
  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    There was no need for a fake car crash. The history behind Bret/Vince should sell itself. Part of me also wonders why Bret hasn't mentioned Owen yet, although maybe he isn't because he doesn't want to exploit his death.
  6. beanpole

    beanpole Member

    I thought they were leading up to that during Vince's monologue ... when he was in Bret's face telling him to fight for his honor, and fight for his fans, I thought for a moment that Bret was going to shoot back, "I'll do it for Owen." It would have blown the roof off the place, but I can understand why Bret wants to keep Owen out of it.
  7. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    That would have been incredible if he did that, although the kids in the audience would be saying, "Who's Owen?"
  8. Tiger16

    Tiger16 Member

    It would be great if Vince started the match, stopped it, then ordered the referee replaced by Earl Hebner
  9. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    The problem I have with this match is, quite simply, where the hell are they going to put this to do it justice?

    It can't be the main event (IMO, anything other than Taker-HBK ending the show is bullshit). It also can't be the lead-in to that match as I would think it has to go before Cena-Batista and Edge-Jericho as the two title matches can't be labeled the third and fourth main events. It can't open the show as that's what MITB does and it can't be the night's second match as the crowd is going to be flat as fuck after MITB.

    That leaves this match somewhere in the second hour of the show which, considering the history and significance of this match, is a sad statement to how far back these two have gone.
  10. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    I think Earl Hebner is employed by TNA. One of the early rumors of a Hart-HBK Wrestlemania match, however, was based on the fact that the WWE was trying to bring in Hebner's son (who is also a referee).
  11. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Kind of a weird complaint to make, that this WM has too many good matches on the card.
    I get your point, though. Figure MITB goes 20 minutes. Slip a Divas match or something in next, then roll out Hart-McMahon at the end of the first hour.
    The Legacy-Orton match would be next, followed by Punk-Mysterio and one of the title matches to top hour No. 2. In Hour No. 3 you get Triple H-Sheamus and the other title match. Perhaps if time permits you slip in a tag title match, although there don't seem to be a lot of contenders for the challenger slot right now.
    The last hour is all about HBK and Undertaker. They went 30 minutes -- actual in-ring time -- last year. With entrances, that match is 45 minutes easy and takes you right to the end of the show.
    Holy shit this card is stacked.
  12. printdust

    printdust New Member

    Wrestlemania is a crock of shit this year.

    It's a GIVEN that Michaels loses to the Taker. They have already begun a reflective look-back DVD promo on Michaels. Duh, I wonder who's going to win.

    John Cena vs. Batista. I'm headed for the nachos. Call me back in when Cena is done yelling. Wait, call me when the match is over.

    Legacy-Orton? Interesting perhaps, though I don't see Orton getting a loss there.

    Isn't the heavyweight title between Edge and Jericho? Edge and a number of guys before Jericho. Jericho's act, while funny at times, has become way too predictable. This is still better than Cena vs. Batista.
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