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2010 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HandsomeHarley, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. StaggerLee

    StaggerLee Well-Known Member

    I guess it might be obvious what the answer to this question is, but didn't Pac look drunk in that promo? He was having a hard time standing, kept grabbing on to the ropes.

    From what I heard of the Shawn-Bret spot, it was good.
  2. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    oh shit Val Venis
  3. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Now TNA is snapping up WWE's old jobbers, too? When does it end?
  4. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    I'm getting a chuckle out of Hogan's "pals" trying to get in...
  5. KevinmH9

    KevinmH9 Active Member

    So the nWo is laying TNA guys out back. Here we go...
  6. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    Too obvious. It'll either be some lone gunman (Lashley, swerving the retirement announcement) or a new group of malcontents.
  7. KevinmH9

    KevinmH9 Active Member

    I'm sure Styles and Joe will top the list of renegedes against the new "invasion." I can only imagine how Dixie Carter, Russo and Bishoff handle Sting this time around. Oh, this could not end well.
  8. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Bret and Shawn was fantastic.

    I've been cooking (!) so I missed the last 40 minutes or so of both shows. Apparently, Jericho and Hart segment was great.

    Oh wow, Styles vs. Angle. I've heard a lot about Styles on here.
  9. KevinmH9

    KevinmH9 Active Member

    Bischoff is still as good on the mic as he was all through WCW. I hated some of the things Bischoff did for that company, but he's damn great on the mic. This show isn't bad, actually.

    EDIT: Jarrett is pouring his heart out in the ring, and the fans are loving it.
  10. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Damnit. Jarrett promo or Tag Titles match. I totally went back and forth, and didn't get the gist of either!
  11. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    Having Hogan piss on Jarrett's speech is risky, but it actually had a thread of logic making it work (Jarrett assuming himself part of the new ruling class when he's not).

    Not everything is hitting, but given how little experience they have in live TV and how many elements they have to mix in, they're not doing a bad job.
  12. KevinmH9

    KevinmH9 Active Member

    Okay. What the hell happened on Raw? I switched over when Jericho was taking, as Lawler called it, "his walk shame." And fans were chanting him good-bye.

    And Bret might get RKO'ed tonight. Wouldn't doubt it. Holy shit.
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