When I was in eighth or ninth grade, I remember a little stoner on my bus the day after the MTV Video Music Awards asking incredulously, "Who was that OLD GUY with Pearl Jam last night?" It was Neil Young. Fortunately for him, no social media back then to screen shot his ignorance for posterity.
I couldn't remember who's line it was, but thanks to Google, I see it was Billy Chrystal; he had a routine about getting old, and one of his lines had his daughter asking him, “dad, is it true Paul McCartney was in another band before Wings?” Always cracked me up. http://www.sleeplessmornings.com/2011/08/mahvelous.html
A co-worker once referred to McCartney as "some old singer dude." She had no idea who he was beyond that.
Don't even start with that bull. I will go off on you quicker than Glen Campbell's Alzheimer's. Like I was telling a friend earlier today, the Grammy Awards are so desperate to draw in the older audience to listen to these young puppets sound like shit (not including Adele on the puppet list because she has a damn good voice) that they get Bruce and Sir Paul and Joe Walsh and the Beach Boys. And the end was the best part of the show!
And I almost thought I was all hated out about Chris Brown. http://www.grantland.com/blog/hollywood-prospectus/post/_/id/43684/winning-a-grammy-is-all-the-excuse-chris-brown-needs-to-continue-being-chris-brown
I saw Wilson during the Pet Sounds tour, he was amazing. Just him and a piano and a 70 piece orchestra, really incredible show. No glitz, just music. I grew up going to Beach Boys concerts, when they always shared the bill with Chicago. No desire to ever see that again.