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2012 MLB Regular Season Running Thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Gehrig, Mar 28, 2012.

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  1. MankyJimy

    MankyJimy Active Member

    People are losing their minds over Mike Trout. He's only played 120 games and his production has dropped off in the last month and a half.

    I've also heard people compare him to Mickey Mantle which is ridiculous. He is good but you don't have to go back five decades to find a similar player - there have been plenty of recent players with speed/power combo - Abreu, Beltran, Soriano, ARod, Vladi, Bonds, etc.
  2. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

  3. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    And yet he's already better than your hero. Must make you crazy.

    In all seriousness, Trout is having a much better year than any of those guys had at 21. Most of them didn't even play in the majors at that age or played sparingly.

    And according to you, Rodriguez doesn't count because of the steroid use. Though looking back at those guys shows you just how amazing Rodriguez was almost from day one. As good as Trout's rookie year has been, Rodriguez's age 20 season was better.
  4. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    Angels are so confounding.

    Sweep in Oakland. Come home and sweep Detroit. ... And now about to lose the first three of four to the Athletics.

    Down 3-0 and about to drop 3.5 back of the second wild card. Big ups to the A's, who could have been Boy Scouts and packed the tents after the sweep last week, but they went up and swept Seattle and now solidify their lead in the wild card.
  5. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    I wonder if it's like what appears to be happening to the Dodgers: A group of great players in the same uniforms, but not a team.
  6. MileHigh

    MileHigh Moderator Staff Member

    I don't know quite what it is. Pujols was uncomfortable/out of his element in spring training/the first two months of the season. Then Hatcher gets axed and Trout is called up and they take off. 2 1/2 months later, they cool off and they're two games over .500. Go back East and take off, winning 15 of 18.

    Six-game winning streak, here they are, ready to take command ... and they go into the tank against Oakland. Granted, a young, talented Oakland team, but hell, they just swept them and this is their time to at least keep pace.

    They finish with Oakland on Thursday (obviously need to win), then three at Kansas City, home with Texas (3), Chicago (3) and Seattle (3), then on the road at Texas (3) at Seattle (3).

    Not dead, but the paddles are in the room.
  7. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    We need Buck.
  8. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty New Member

    good god. you really are playing stupid just to play stupid, right? i really shouldn't be wasting my time doing this, should i? you're really not this stupid, are you?

    first full seasons:

    jeter 22 104 25 78 14 .314 .370 .430 .800
    trout 20 114 27 77 45 .332 .397 .571 .968
    bonds 22 99 25 59 32 .261 .329 .492 .821
    mantle 20 94 23 87 4 .311 .394 .530 .924
    rodriq 20 141 36 123 15 .358 .414 .631 1.045
  9. MankyJimy

    MankyJimy Active Member

    No I am just pointing out that while Trout is having a very good rookie season there is no reason to compare him to Mantle.

    Of those rookie seasons you listed I would rank them as follows:

    1) Jeter - it doesn't get much better than hitting .314, playing GG defense at short, and winning a championship
    2) ARod - He was actually a better player before he started roiding up. He got too muscle bound and never again hit for as high an average as he did in '96
    3) Mantle - He had great speed but came up in an era when the stolen base wasn't a big part of the game. He could have easily stolen 70 bases if he wanted to.
    4) Trout - Impressive rookie season but it remains to be seen if he will become the next Mays/Mantle/Bonds/etc or merely an all-star talent like a Brady Anderson or Matt Lawton.
    5) Bonds - it took him a few years to develop.
  10. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Jeter never played legitimate gold glove caliber defense. He was average and now he's well below that.

    You really think Rodriguez started the juice in Texas? That's funny.
  11. MankyJimy

    MankyJimy Active Member

    Yes, although I believe he continued using with the Yankees through 2006/07.
  12. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Brewers are three back. Holy living fuck!
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