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2013-14 MLB Hot Stove thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Starman, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    The stove is HOT!
  2. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I like both Cano and Granderson, but I see both the Mariners & Mets regretting these deals.
  3. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    Nuh uh....
  4. Steak Snabler

    Steak Snabler Well-Known Member

    JP Morosi reporting the Mariners are still after Shin-Soo Choo, Carlos Beltran and Nelson Cruz.


    Cano and King Felix are the only players they have under contract past 2014, so they're going all-in, a la the Marlins (briefly) 2 years ago.
  5. Steak Snabler

    Steak Snabler Well-Known Member

    In anticlimactic news, Scott Feldman to the Astros for 3 years, $30 million:

  6. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    Could be they're going all-in. I doubt it, though, based on ...

    Mariners to assume a controlling interest in ROOT Sports


    There was a Forbes article that estimated the value of the deal at $2 billion over 17 years. The Mariners' previous deal was $450 million over 10 years. So, pretty much, they have an extra $70 million a year lying around.

    Whenever any team goes hog-wild on spending, I assume their cable deal either just got renegotiated or is due for it in short order.
  7. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    I picture Steak Snabler sitting as his computer all day during the baseball offseason F5ing the fuck out of HardballTalk, Twitter, and MLBTradeRumors.

    I do appreciate the updates, though.
  8. Steak Snabler

    Steak Snabler Well-Known Member

    It's mostly Twitter, which I'm pretty glued to for work anyway.

    But yeah, these last 4 or 5 days have been epic.
  9. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    Couldn't agree more.
  10. nmmetsfan

    nmmetsfan Active Member

    Happy to see Mets sign Granderson, although I think four years is at least one too many.
  11. Chef2

    Chef2 Well-Known Member

    9/225 they thought was locked up last night was a terrible deal.
    10/240 is insane.

    I also keep hearing Beltran to KC for 3/36.
  12. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    Not really saying Jay-Z is a fool; more like the Mariners are the fools. I bet if they signed Choo, Beltran, plus whoever is available for the $240M, they'd get a better long-term return than one Cano; especially later on when Cano is a .260 DH who is still a "name" threat.
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