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2013 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by KYSportsWriter, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Even sillier, tonight they announced they were pressing assault and trespassing charges against Show. I guess in WWE-land, it's OK for one boss to hit the employee, but not OK for the employee to hit the boss.

    Decent Raw tonight, although surprisingly, they made the tag title match the main event tonight instead of Bryan-Del Rio. And it's No-DQ. Somehow, I have a feeling Show makes an appearance, KOs a Shield member, the Rhodes family wins the titles, and then get it stripped by Trips/Stef.
  2. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Good call, Baron.
  3. Gehrig

    Gehrig Active Member

    Am I wrong for saying Goldust is one of the best and most exciting wrestlers on the roster?! Man, I so enjoy watching him wrestle.
  4. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Thanks. so far, everything except the title-stripping came to pass.

    Fantastic match, too, between the Shield and Rhodeses. Crowd was giving the "This is awesome" chant and well deserved. Show also got a huge pop.

    Good job Trips, in making everyone care about the tag belts again.
  5. TurnTwo2

    TurnTwo2 Member

    He definitely is. He and Cody are great together and so far, the two tag matches between them and Reigns-Rollins have been outstanding. They made the right move making that the main event tonight.
  6. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    I just wonder which brother turns on the other. Because I think they're trying to get something together for Mania between them.
  7. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    Watching this match, I was thinking the same thing. Then I got to thinking about how good of shape he is in now thanks to DDP Yoga ... and the others who have benefited from it (Y2J & RVD to name a few), as well as his efforts with Jake Roberts and Scott Hall.

    DDP would be a great Hall of Fame inductee next year.
  8. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Colt Cabana is apparently going in for another tryout with WWE, though he was unclear on twitter earlier whether it was wrestling or broadcasting. He mentioned something about them wanting him to be an announcer, so we'll see.
  9. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    DDP Yoga is great. I haven't gotten past the basic workout, but with my back injury and all the nerve damage in my leg it's damn near impossible to do any other kind of exercise. I've dropped 50 pounds since my spinal surgery (about 18 months ago now), so I swear by the stuff.
  10. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Outside of the Usos/Shield match, tonight's Raw wasn't much to write home about. Contract signing at the end had a couple of interesting moments, with Trips basically burying Jericho, RVD and Edge, saying that while they were talented, that if they were on top in the 90s, they'd all be working for Turner now.

    Otherwise, not really that great a show, and the Memphis crowd seemed pretty dead throughout. Even the Yes! chants didn't seem quite as loud.
  11. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    At least they're trying to reattach Show's balls, one testicle at a time.
  12. clintrichardson

    clintrichardson Active Member

    Hadn't actually seen the show in a while, so this comment may be old news and trivial but....really dislike Punk's change of hairstyle. not only looks bad, it undermines the character. the swept back look emphasized the devil's peak and his basic sharpness and focus. now with the hair down and the patchy he just looks like some douchey jobber, the kind they wouldn't let into 3MB.

    harsh, i know.
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