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2013 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by KYSportsWriter, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    Just got on in time for the end of Punk/Ryback. First Row works fine for me.
  2. Paynendearse

    Paynendearse Member

    What about the required download shit? I'm skeptical about those.
  3. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    Never thought I'd be glad to see Cena back, but good gawd Alberto puts me to sleep.
  4. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    It's a Flash video stream. You shouldn't have to download anything.
  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    DO NOT download anything, even if it says it's required. Just keep clicking off the popups. Annoying, but the price is right.
  6. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    I've been down since probably halfway through the Cena match. Anyone know what happened?
  7. Paynendearse

    Paynendearse Member

    um....I downloaded and Norton said it was safe.

    And then Bre Bella showed up, and I'm not so sure now.
  8. Paynendearse

    Paynendearse Member

    Cena won. Expect Sandow to pin him tomorrow with MITB case.
  9. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    Links were fine, I just found out that my wife and sister-in-law are both trying to stream shows in another room. Just not enough bandwidth with my shit Internet provider.
  10. TurnTwo2

    TurnTwo2 Member

    Again, I feel bad for anyone who paid for that. Only good match was the opening tag title match. What an awful finish.
  11. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    Looks like I was wrong on the finish. But if you're going to have HBK make a heel move, then have him embrace it. Enough with the heel move then showing emotional turmoil. I'm guessing the mood in that arena isn't too good right now. Underwhelming show all around.
  12. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    I'm on the verge of giving up on WWE. That's what, four matches now with screwy finishes between Orton and Bryan? It's getting fucking stupid. The WWE title means nothing anymore.
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