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2013 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by KYSportsWriter, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    I thought it was somewhat obvious that they're setting Big Show up to have a mysterious benefactor/friend in high place who's getting him in the building regularly. The Authority has already referenced how he's getting in without their say-so and fired six people over it last week. Vince most likely, with Shane a tantalizing possibility.
  2. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    If it has to be a McMahon, please let it be Shane.

    That way I can keep up the hope of seeing Pete Gas and the Mean Street Posse once again.
  3. TurnTwo2

    TurnTwo2 Member

    Made a Mean Street Posse reference last night when I mentioned The Wyatts and this mess looking like some kind of build up to Corporate Ministry 2.0 to a friend. I asked him, if that happened, would that make The Shield the Mean Street Posse?
  4. nietsroob17

    nietsroob17 Well-Known Member

    Roman Reigns in a sweater vest?
  5. Mystery Meat II

    Mystery Meat II Well-Known Member

    I don't like the idea of Bray Wyatt, the Eater of Worlds, the man who isn't afraid of war because he created war, being a follower. I'm hoping he reveals that the devil in his "devil made me do it" tagline is Bray himself.

    Or the Undertaker.
  6. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    I have no idea where some of these stories are supposed to go. In a way, it's good. I don't want it to be predictable. But does it make sense as it plays out? That's what bothers me.

    I liked a heelish HBK. Damn, that was the most interesting he's been in years. Too bad he didn't try to drop his schtick while he was active. He could have given us a great little heel run, then flipped before retiring.

    And I'm certainly not crying over Sandow blowing his MitB contract. He may be a fine performer and strong on the mic, but "Intellectual Savior of the Masses" screams multi-year midcard heel to me. And the way in which he has been booked and in which Cena has always been booked, it's perfectly logical that one-armed Cena can beat Superstars regular Sandow. Now, had things not worked out so that Cody and Goldust won the tag titles, I would have bought a face Cody beating heel ADR, then Sandow cashing in on Cody. Yeah, I buy that. (It keeps the title firmly in midcard status, but a rose is a rose is a rose.)

    Of course, if this is what it takes to get to title unification (because there is no need for two world titles with no brand split, other than the WWE champ at the time just doesn't feel like working SmackDown tapings) then so be it. I see Cena putting a bit of shine back on the WHC to make a merge a big deal. Otherwise, it's like merging the IC title with the European title: who gives a shit?
  7. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    I could see it being Vince, who wants to use the Wyatts to get back at Punk for being a rebel , Bryan for being a B+ star and the Authority for pissing off Show enough that his lawsuit may ruin his company and for causing the roster to revolt.

    Only the Wyatts decide they want to be on their own and, in the ring, turn on Vince. Then Vince has to go, hat in hand, to Punk and Bryan, and want to work with them, with Punk, of course, acting like, "Oh, now you want to be my friend." Then you have a three-way feud with the Authority, Punk/Bryan/Show, and the Wyatts. Show feuds with Orton, Punk and Bryan feud with the Wyatts, and, for a while, the Shield feud with the Rhodeses.

    Then you have the Wyatts go after the Shield, which breaks up with dissension. Bryan gets back in the title hunt with Orton, wins the belt, then feuds with HBK, Punk returns to the Heyman feud with Lesnar, Show feuds with Trips and the Rhodeses break up and feud with each other. Orton then goes after Cena.
  8. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Hogan and Styles have been removed from the TNA roster, and Styles has been stripped of the title by Dixie.

    Vacant's title reign lives!
  9. Gehrig

    Gehrig Active Member

    Am I missing something? Is this legit or kayfabe?
  10. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

  11. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    The Styles stuff strikes me as kayfabe, but I believe Hogan has been on the outs with TNA for a while now. Once his initial splash signing with them run its course, it was hard for me to believe he would be there for life anyway, not with how much more money there is for him to make partnering with the WWE for various things. I think he would be good as an on-camera only talent at either promotion, but it's probably hard to trust him or limit him to the role. (And I imagine Flair falls into this category as well.)
  12. JRoyal

    JRoyal Well-Known Member

    It was kinda funny. One of our reporters asked to interview Hogan when they came to Tulsa a couple of weeks ago because this was right before he was canned as GM or whatever on TV, and they wanted to get us someone else. The writer wasn't a big wrestling guy, so he basically said we wanted Hogan or we weren't going to bother doing a story, so they relented and got him for us even though he wasn't going to be coming to Tulsa. I wonder how much of the rift was already formed then. He was at least willing to do some promo work for them still.
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