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2013 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by KYSportsWriter, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Highly entertaining.

    Punk/Jericho is solid, as usual. Just think, if more top guys took extended breaks, they could extend their careers, and we wouldn't be tired of their shit. Jericho looks great.
  2. podunk press

    podunk press Active Member

    I'm such a Jericho mark. The guy's funny, he's charismatic and I actually want to see him wrestle, which I can't say for more than half the roster.

    Great show tonight.

    1. The Mark Henry return was part-terrifying, part-unintentionally funny.
    2. Always a positive when Big Show rips off a table leg to beat someone with.
    3. No Divas
    4. No fat men dancing.
    5. Yay Bruno.
    6. Another night of laughs from Kane.
    7. Paul Heyman and Vickie together were, well, outstanding. "Let's pray for Vince."
  3. I agree it was a good show. Happy to have Henry back, I was curious if he was going to or not. A little disappointed if they're putting him in a program with Rey/Sin Cara. If they were just having him come out to destroy them to re-establish that he's just a destruction machine, that's fine. I wouldn't mind a Henry/Ryback program to get him back in the mix.
  4. nietsroob17

    nietsroob17 Well-Known Member

    Any more top-level Hall of Fame inductees and someone's going to get cut from the edited-down telecast. So far, we've got the greatest champion of all time, another one of the greatest (Backlund), the greatest hardcore wrestler in his backyard, and one of the most successful Divas of all time.

    So, it's all but certain Funk is inducting Foley. Triple H = Bruno? Lita or either Edge or Christian = Trish? Do they give Iron Shiek a sedative and have him inducted Backlund?
  5. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Maybe Bruno's son David introduces him? Or, one heckuva twist, Vince?
  6. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    The Henry-Mysterio-Sin Cara bit reminded me of when I used to powerbomb by 5-year-old nephews on the couch. It also had me wondering if it was the start of a feud, or if Mysterio and Sin Cara were hurt again and they were trying to write them off TV for a bit.

    Not sure if anyone noticed, but when Big Show ripped off the table leg it had a couple of nails in it. Reminded me of the Simpsons Halloween episode where Kang and Kodos take over Earth, then the tables get flipped and Moe is chasing them down the street with a 2x4 with a nail in it.
    "AAAAAHHHH! He's got a board with a nail in it!"
  7. Tommy_Dreamer

    Tommy_Dreamer Well-Known Member

    I laughed a little when Del Rio legit hit his head on the table. You can see him afterward checking for blood. But he still sold the whole thing well.
  8. TurnTwo2

    TurnTwo2 Member

    This. Entirely.

    The Shield vs. Ryback-Cena-Sheamus sounds nice, but I'd prefer they not knock The Shield down a peg so soon. It will kinda take the air out of the whole thing if they get squashed in the EC. Plus, I'm fairly certain Ryback-Cena-Sheamus could never keep up with The Shield in such a match. Those guys did amazing work at TLC and I have no doubt they would show up the WWE's main eventers in an equally hellacious setting at EC.
  9. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    If Cena's involved, the Shield is getting squashed. Bet on it. Then, they'll be booked to feud with 3MB for the next four months.

    Damn, I'm really cynical tonight. Must be that post-Rumble hangover of Cena hatred.
  10. Tarheel316

    Tarheel316 Well-Known Member

    Lesnar has always worked stiff. Too bad he wasn't in the same era with guys like Stan Hansen and Rick Steiner. You talk about working stiff, those guys hurt some people.
  11. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    Well, I get the feeling that Lesnar probably could really hurt people if he wanted. He is a former UFC and NCAA wrestling champion, after all, and made the Vikings practice squad basically off the street.
  12. Tarheel316

    Tarheel316 Well-Known Member

    I'm sure he could hurt people, too. No doubt.
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