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2016 Pro Wrestling Thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Gutter, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    You're right ... it was a moment. A very brief moment.
    JimmyHoward33 and schiezainc like this.
  2. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Pro Wrestling Illustrated announced their annual awards. Bayley vs. Sasha Ironman/woman/person match won Match of the Year.

    First time ever in the history of the awards, which goes back to 1972, did a women's match win the Match of the Year. Awesome.

    Bayley also got the Inspirational Wrestler of the Year award.
  3. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Should've been the Brooklyn match but as long as the two of them won it, I'm happy. :)
  4. mpcincal

    mpcincal Well-Known Member

    That's great. Like shiezainc, I liked the Brooklyn match just a little bit better, but I could watch either of those two over and over and never get sick of them.
    KYSportsWriter and Tommy_Dreamer like this.
  5. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    I finally got around to watching both matches in their entirety last week.

    Brooklyn was the better match, but the rematch had its strong points as well.
  6. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    My only real problem with the Ironman match is it was clear they were worried about being able to go 30 minutes and they really, really dragged out those first 10 minutes by doing just about nothing.
  7. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Was browsing the Reddit wrestling forum and someone asked what was the most famous wrestling event everyone personally attended and I made a decent list but I figured I'd share it here and you guys as well as I'm curious what you guys saw live as well.
    Off the top of my head, I've been in attendance for the following moments live.

    1.) Rumble 1994- Only rumble match to legit end in a tie with Bret/Lex being declared co-winners (Also, the same show where Owen turned on Bret.)
    2.) Monday Night Raw July, 2001- Was at the RAW where Austin finally joined the WWE team in its fight against WCW in the invasion angle.
    3.) Rumble 2003- Saw Angle beat Benoit in one of the greatest WWE matches of all time. (Also the same show where Brock won his only Rumble thus far.)
    4.) Backlash 2003- Saw John Cena's first title match (Against Lesnar) as well as Rock vs. Goldberg
    5.) WWE HOF Induction 2006- Saw Bret Hart get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.
    6.) WrestleMania 22 (2006)- Watched Rey Mysterio win the title. This was also the same show as the classic Edge v. Mankind match and the show that, IMO, turned the WWE against Cena with the first real, noticeable "Let's go Cena, Cena sucks" chants.
    7.) Royal Rumble 2011- Saw Alberto Del Rio win the largest Royal Rumble ever.
    8.) Hal of Fame 2011- Saw Bruno, Mankind, Trish, Bob Backland and Booker T get inducted into the WWE HOF.
    9.) WrestleMania 29 (2013)- Watched CM's final WrestleMania match (So far) as well as watched Cena v. Rock II.
    10.) NXT Takeover Brooklyn (2015)-> Watched Bayley vs. Sasha Banks in what I believe to be the best women's match I've seen in my lifetime.
    jpetrie18 likes this.
  8. Bradley Guire

    Bradley Guire Well-Known Member

    I attended a Monday Nitro when David Arquette was the world champ. Ain't none of you fuckers beating that! (Other things to note from that show: Sting vs Vampiro in a cemetery match and a fan in a Sting mask runs in behind Hogan before he's doused in fake blood. This was that fucking New Blood storyline.)

    Armageddon 2000: 6-man Hell in a Cell
    Raw, April 2014: Evolution reforms to feud with the Shield

    Soon ...
    WrestleMania 32: Rollins injured, Cena injured, Cesaro injured, Orton injured, Sting injured, Undertaker on his last legs, Rock with just a cameo, possible cameos of Stone Cold and HBK, maybe Brock will accidentally kill someone in the ring.
  9. Huggy

    Huggy Well-Known Member

    I was at WM6 in Toronto.....
    schiezainc likes this.
  10. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    I liked the Brooklyn match a bit better too, because 1. The emotion of the storyline and the crowd and 2. You didn't really know if Bayley would win or not. The Ironperson match seemed a little anti-climatic.
  11. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    JRoyal and schiezainc like this.
  12. nietsroob17

    nietsroob17 Well-Known Member

    Just one for me. A Nitro at the Georgia Dome. Bret Hart spoke for the first time after Owen, Megadeth performed to promote that Goldberg movie, with Goldberg making a cameo, and Macho Man appeared to slap around his women (Gorgeous George and the future Molly Holly) backstage.
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