Zac Collinsworth doing A10 quarterfinals pbp. Much better his speed than being anywhere near an NFL playoff broadcast.
So is that 14 bids for the SEC? Or would Texas push Oklahoma aside? If somebody in the committee room leaks it to the UT checkbooks that the Horns are getting in, Rodney Terry will be whacked on the spot. The classic pre emotive strike.
Flagg has no business at all playing today, or for the remainder of the ACC tournament, and maybe not even for the first round of the NCAAs. That looked like a horrible sprain. No way should he risk a potential long-time injury by rushing back, and Duke shouldn't let him.
Mighty Owls have maintained a steady lead throughout but can’t quite manage to blow it open. Still too much time left to feel comfortable.
Matheny just went nuts at the end. Though I didn't think Kennesaw was going to miss enough shots for it to matter. Until they did.
The way C-USA sets up the men’s brackets, 1 and 2 play Wednesday night and get Thursday off. The 4-5 and 3-6 games are Thursday night before turning around for an early semifinal tip Friday because that’s when CBS Sports Network will put them on air. So Liberty had the fresher legs and it showed late.
17:04 left in the second half, Wisconsin in the bonus already against UCLA and up 16. I've never seen a team in the bonus before the first media timeout of a half. Wisconsin with 4 fouls too. Gonna be a loooong half.
The committee has always had a hard rule about matching up teams from the same conference in the first and second rounds. But if there are 13 or 14 SEC teams and 16 pods, are they going to be able to avoid it without doing some gymnastics on the seedings?