From a personal standpoint it works because then I don’t spend all Saturday being a nervous wreck. But “best game gets the best time slot” isn’t usually a controversial notion.
College sports still grappling with how to stop court storms Don't most teams put in a delay? It's not like V-bilt "invented" anything.
Money alone doesn’t matter. Storm the field or court? Automatic forfeit and a $1 million fine. Do it again, zero postseason, forfeit and double the fine. I’m all for celebrating a giant win or upset. But if they want these to stop, the penalties have to hurt.
If they truly meant it, they’d send people to jail. “We can’t arrest everyone!” Then arrest who you can. You’ve spent God knows how many tens of thousands or more on all these security cameras. Put them to use. “You didn’t arrest that other guy!” The state trooper didn’t I’ll over every speeder on the interstate either. You took the risk and you got burned. There is the phone for your one call. “This is a ridiculous thing to arrest people for!” (OK that one I actually buy. So if it isn’t that serious, what are we even doing here. If it is decided it really is that serious, then have the guts to back it up. Don’t flinch now.)
There already were abuse allegations leveled against TCU's Sedona Prince, but they didn't really amount to much. WaPo story paints a pretty ugly picture, though:
Finally got around to watching HBO's "The Inventor" doc on Elizabeth Holmes. Kept thinking she bears a resemblance to Lady Vols coach Kim Caldwell. Need to check and see if Caldwell blinks at the next postgame news conference.
How is that doc? I'm fascinated by that entire story, have the book on it downloaded but haven't started it yet.
Very good. Although because I had read so much about her beforehand, I kept being distracted by the fake low voice, the black turtleneck sweaters and the resemblance to Kim Caldwell.