There's also another one where "Francesa" is in the Civil War, which is also well done. Then he did one with another guy playing Russo during World War II that fell flat.
I started listening to Russo on Sirius a couple years ago, just couldn't stand ESPN radio anymore and the local guys here do nothing for me. I think he's fine, in fact I appreciate that he's stayed loyal to regular guests like Ira Kaufman and can pull some big hitters at other times. And can talk tennis and golf with a little bit of knowledge instead of regurgitating NBA and NFL hot takes incessantly. He has even read non-sports books and had the authors on, which probably makes some listeners heads' explode. I've also made peace with the fact that the medium isn't exactly rocket science. Just give me 20 minutes of decent distraction 'til I get home.
It's just a good story about something that happened. It doesn't really have anything to do with whether you want to listen to them or not.
Okay, you seem to be intent on selling this story. You've got an "elevator pitch" to sell me - What is their interesting story that should compel me to watch this 30 for 30?
I saw and medium liked Wolf and liked the Big Short. If Margo Robbie was the sports update girl on the Mike and Mad Dog show, I'm in.
It's a story about a group of human beings having the world by the balls and then fucking it all up. One of my favorite storylines. Some of my favorite docs have been about regional situations. I loved a movie called 'It's Time' about Chucky Mullins of Ole Miss. I have no interest in Mississippi, SEC Football or that part of the South. But I have seared into my brain a shot of a guy laying in a graveyard with a scrub brush and a bucket of soap meticulously cleaning another guy's tombstone. OCD style. Just a good story.
The rare 30 for 30 where I have absolutely zero interest in watching. Was going to hit up the Gold Cup doubleheader tonight, but I have to be up extra early in the morning.
I would think the appeal of it is essentially they are the reason for sports talk radio, whether you like the concept or not -- it started somewhere and I figure that is going to be a part of the doc plus the monumental rise and then how it all got thrown away.
I caught part of the MLB Presents on Jim Leyland. Was fascinating to see the backstory when he went nose to nose with Bonds at training camp and how Bonds ultimately admitted he was wrong. Great behind the scenes with guys like Van Slyke and Lavallieve (sp). Gm. 7 with Braves when then went to 9 up 2-0 with Drabek on the mound (Sid Bream game). I taped the one about the mid-90s Indians. Try some of that (or watch Silicon Valley).