Maybe not the greatest 30-for-30 if you're comparing it to others, but the subject was worthy and and a fit for the full 30-for-30 promotional barrage. It had already been shown at the Tribeca film festival, generating publicity, and it's been a topic on Russo's show for months. It's even an advertisement for ESPN Radio, in a way. Saying it should have been a short is silly, the shorts are great stories but very niche-y and impossible to sell nationally. This one was easy.
This thread proves that there is no interest in the Mike and Mad Dog documentary and that no one will watch it.
Yup. A thread on a sports journalism board about a documentary about sports talk blowhards certainly is a barometer for the mass appeal of a program. Join us tomorrow for "large amount of golfers watch The Golf Channel."
Welp. It rated pretty much middle of the pack for 30 for 30s. Certainly not a ratings failure by any stretch. Just goes to show what journalists think will appeal or won't is not always what will appeal or won't. If we had all the answers, I suppose we'd be running networks. Go figure.
How many 30 for 30s debuted on a night on the calendar where there is zero professional sports to watch?
2.51 Rating in New York and .45 rating in the rest of the country. New Yorkers Shockingly Loved "Mike and the Mad Dog" Documentary More Than Others
I don't think there's ever been a 30 for 30 that generated less interest than the Georgie Best one. Anybody make it all the way through?
I'll probably give it a shot, because when I was a kid playing AYSO soccer with my buds (we were the generation that was going to make soccer the biggest sport in the U.S., you know ) we followed the L.A. Aztecs of the NASL when Best was playing for them and we were big fans.
The Baltimore Boys on Dunbar (Md) HS and its stellar basketball run looks good. Dunbar High: 'This wasn't just a basketball story'
Little League one was good. Did Lloyd McClendon not grow after he turned 13. What a douche Jim Palmer was telling Trumbull not be discourage when they're losing by a lot in the third inning.