NFL players have never honored the picket line of another union. I don't begrudge those replacement players. The NFLPA was never ever ever going to do shit for them if they didn't play. Why should they honor someone else's union if for absolutely nothing . Want to get angry, get angry at Randy White Joe Montana Tony Dorsett Lawrence Taylor. They crossed their union's picket line. They are the bitches. The assholes the cowards and punks. Blame the rich guys, not the real estate agent playing out his dream
the replacement games counted in the standings, not preseason games. Those pieces of shit deserve more respect than the lowly union busting vaginas that crossed their own picket line, about a dozen of whom are in the Hall of Fame.
I just think it's odd that the same management that convinced these guys to play, counted the games in the standings and helped them win the dispute, didn't give them the ultimate reward. Especially, since its management who decides who gets rings.
tough shit. Those scabs had more integrity than any of those fake union pussies who caved in after missing 2 pay checks. Coal miners gave up months of pay to go one strike. NFL were punks and not a real union. Just a collective bargaining agent. They aren't union Why do NFL union players refuse to honor a picket line for any other union. Fuck the NFLPA.
How does any scab have any integrity? And you're arguing with air about the PA, I've never defended them.
I seem to recall Dan Marino, a Pittsburgh kid, saying he never crossed the picket line because his father would have killed him.
Not a 30 for 30, but the teaser trailer for the Bill Simmons-backed HBO documentary on Andre the Giant is out: I am looking forward to this one much more than the one on Ric Flair, who I don't find all that interesting.
Phil Pettey was a guard on the replacement Redskins. One year at Missouri, we were both students in World Political Geography class. Mizzou broke out rare (for the time) black pants for a game at Nebraska. The following Monday before class, I told Pettey I thought the black pants looked really sharp. His response: "We wore those so no one could see we pissed our pants running out onto the field."