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753 (3 away) -- Barry Bonds All-Time MLB HR Record Pursuit thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by rokski2, Jul 19, 2007.

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  1. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    If your goal is to find any possible way to excuse the baseball players who cheated by using PED's sure...oh well, it's not quite as bad a threadjack as you rambling on about yourself.
  2. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    Or this might be the thread for such a discussion...

  3. John D. Villarreal

    John D. Villarreal New Member

    I am not excusing anyone. Look, I have/had to compete against these guys as well & it isn't fun.

    That being said I am for all athletes and try to take a thoughtful complicated look at the "state of sports" and step back to ask the bigger questions (what do we really care about, who's choice is it what you do with your own body, what is "cheating", what is the best way to solve this, what are the real health issues of PEDs compared to other drugs most people take, etc.)

    As most are aware now, there are no simple answers or slogans that work.

    As I said before, I agree with Buster Olney's recent statements on the ESPN Town Hall on Bonds yesterday in SF. I have been saying the same things for a long time.

    Buster is on the money on this issue.
  4. Flash

    Flash Guest

    It was second-hand smoke. [/rossrebagliati]
  5. John D. Villarreal

    John D. Villarreal New Member

    Hmm, it just might - lol. Coffee, I would say definately is a CE PED.
  6. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Now that I will take as a positive step. You pointed out that Olney is saying something that you have said in the past and didn't try to take credit for it. Congratulations on taking a baby step toward rational message-board posting.

    (hehe...couldn't resist)
  7. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    If Superman were married to Morgan Fairchild, there would be a 2d coming, time and again.
  8. John D. Villarreal

    John D. Villarreal New Member

    Ha ha,

    Maybe things can get better around here.

    Again, for the most part I don't care about credit just results. Although, following your logic maybe people can start giving me credit for things/expertise I should get credit for. I guess we will wait and see if that happens. Fair enough, although it contained a shot, I take your statement as a legit move in the right direction.

    Anyway, I just want to see sports better, fans entertained, and athletes healthy & not persecuted.
  9. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I give you credit for everything. Wikipedia says you deserve it.
  10. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

  11. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    Does he spell his name differently for wikipedia?
  12. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Schilling. It's Curt Schilling. He's won 200-odd games, pitched some of the most memorable postseason contests of all-time and is a bit of a WORDSMITH himself.

    you'd think someone with a superduper IQ would know enough to spell Schilling right.


    So JDV says he's linked his shows? I dare you, JDV, to post one of your little links to one of the little shows that you appeared on...you know, one of those shows whose history isn't archived anywhere on the Internet. That's understandable though. There's only so much bandwidth on the Internet, and your ego takes up most of it.
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