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9/11 doubts and/or questions

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by SockPuppet, Aug 29, 2006.

  1. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Security cameras did capture it you black helicopter watching retard. The Pentagon sits just a few feet from a major, major highway that goes into Washington DC. One of the three busiest arteries into the capital. Besides that it's next to many, many, many highrise apartment buildings in northern Virginia. How many witnesses is enough?

    What, were the local news stations (two of which have HQ maybe a mile away) supposed to just drive down and set up shop and wait?

    I'll reiterate what Ragu said. This thread should be deleted and we all pretend it never happened. In part because Jack, you're a complete jackass.
  2. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    This thread reiterates why I have zero faith in the justice and juror system in our country. That I live among these people terrifies me.
  3. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    Yes security cameras did capture it, there's no doubt about that. The problem is that these tapes have never been released. All we've gotten is some shitty tape that does nothing to convince that the white blur I'm seeing is definitely a commercial airplane.
    Where are the tapes from that highway or from the businesses in the area who had their surveillance tapes confiscated by FBI agents within minutes of the attack on the Pentagon?
  4. Runaway Jim

    Runaway Jim Member

    Fuck, they've convinced me. I gotta go make myself a tinfoil hat.
  5. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Or like a shaped charge, where the explosive creates a jet of gas that burns through armor.

    One of those History Channel shows, Modern Marvels, I think, was doing an episode on concrete one night. They had this block, several feet thick, that was about the same thickness as what's used in nuclear reactors. To test it, they rammed a fighter jet into it. Let's just say the block won. The fighter jet dissolved into a fine dust upon impact and there was literally nothing left of it. While a 757 is much bigger than a fighter and the Pentagon's concrete walls probably weren't that thick, the same principle should apply to the thinner parts of the aircraft (i.e., the wings). If they didn't disintegrate on impact, they were probably torn to shreds and went hurtling through walls, windows, etc., kind of like a giant shotgun. In other words, lots of little impact holes that aren't quite as visible, rather than one giant smoking crater.

    One of the most amazing things to me in this whole thread is that people forget just how chaotic and traumatic that day was. Things were unfolding so fast that nobody knew what the hell was happening. Like a lot of major events, by the time you got one piece of the puzzle the information was out of date or wrong 10 minutes later. This whole thing didn't unfold over several days or weeks, it all happened in about two hours. That's not a lot of time to figure out what's happening when all hell is breaking loose.
    It was a combination of shellshock, incompetence, confusion, lack of communication and passivity that all culminated in tragedy. Period.
  6. D-Backs Hack

    D-Backs Hack Guest

    I don't know where I fall on this spectrum. I honestly don't, and part of the reason has already been stated by some on this thread, that all of the questions haven't been asked. I also agree that it would be quite a stretch to suggest that an administration that couldn't get a one-car parade right could orchestrate and keep hush about something of this magnitude.

    But for those that are appalled at posters you label moonbats and fruitcakes, I can only ask this: You buy the government's official explanation, lock, stock, and barrel?

    Because that's what I'm reading. Please correct me if that's not the case.

    I don't see the harm in having questions.
  7. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    Not only is it their version of the actual events of the day, its the version of many, many eyewitnesses. I'm willing to buy that Flight 93 was shot down in Pa, but I'm far from convinced that's actually what happened. But to suggest that the flight that hit the pentagon is hidden somewhere while a missile did the actual damage is about as deeply offensive as anything said on here. It seems to be a moonbat theory that's espoused only by those who don't know jack shit about the area around the Pentagon. Like Johnny Cash, I've travelled every road. No fucking way a missile gets shot there and only a scatter of people see it. Especially, again when the Pentagon sits right next to one of the busiest highways into DC. Most of the cars there likely weren't going more than 30mph or so because of the congestion.
  8. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    But what if they used mass hypnosis or crept in at night and stole your brain, made you believe that that's the way it happen? Huh? Huh? Huh?
  9. In the days after 9/11, some video was realeased to the media showing the proposed impact of American 77 into the Pentagon. The DOD claimed no official video had been released in later Freedom of Information filings. Those same FOI filings produced the existence of some 80+ videos which allegedly shows the flight path of 77 and the impact into the Pentagon. The Pentagon has yet to realease any video, save for the release in June of the same video that surfaced in the days after 9/11/01. This is the product of a lawsuit filed that requested the release of any video in the possession of the FBI/DOD showing the "impact" of 77 into the Pentagon. The following website is the result of that lawsuit (which Judicial Watch claims responsibility for) filed by a cat that believes the government's version of Sept. 11 is the correct one and that the release of these videos will put to rest all conspiracy theories.

    If you hate conspiracy theorists so much, or just think it's fair that all questions be answered, please support any fight for legal inquiries regarding FOI requests. This is the last resort we have to making sure the dog wags the tail, not the other way around:

  10. poindexter

    poindexter Well-Known Member

    It's not a matter of believing the government. It's logic and verification by experts who have nothing to do with the government.
  11. JackS

    JackS Member

    Exactly. In his rush to hurl invective, Headbutt apparently didn't understand the sarcasm of my statement. I obviously believe whatever happened is clearly visible on tape somewhere (otherwise, I'd have to conclude the Pentagon has a security system that would make ADT double over in laughter). The question is, why the hell can't the public see it?

    P.S. Will someone now make me chuckle by telling me the Pentagon won't release it out of respect to the victims?
  12. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    I agree with Ragu. A thread like this does more damage to our cred than 100 clit threads. Even Jim Garrison is aghast.
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